The summer numbers are over and the political autumn has started. Despite this, strikingly little has happened when it comes to voters' attitudes to which party they would vote for if it were today's election. This is clear in SVT / Novus' new voter barometer.

In fact, no significant changes have taken place since June to make it clear that they are outside the statistical margin of error.

Under the parliament block

For the Social Democrats and the Moderates, this is a minor problem, although they are of course increased naturally. S receives support of 26.3 percent (-0.4) and M 18.5 (-0.3), the changes compared to the June measurement in brackets.

For the Liberals, however, it is a real problem. Only 3.7 percent (+ 0.1) of voters would vote for L if it were the election today. The party thus remains under the parliamentary block.

Before the summer, the Liberals were hoping for a completely different development. The support troops for newly elected Nyamko Sabuni hoped for a hefty vitamin injection in the party and a boost for voter support. So it was not. On the contrary, the party has reversed since Subuni was elected. This can be compared to when Moderate's Ulf Kristersson was elected in October 2017. After one month, the party rose by 4.4 percentage points. Even when Per Bolund was elected a new language speaker for the Environment Party in May, MP increased his support.

The fall stopped

One trend that seems to be broken is the decline of the Swedish Democrats. The party has gone down in all SVT / Novus voter barometers since February's top listing of 21.9 percent.

Now the party's voter support does not decrease, but 18.5 per cent are recorded. This is a plus of 1.7 percent compared to June, but thus not large enough to be statistically reliable.

- Probably it can be explained by the attention to all violent crimes, bombs and shootings that happened around the country during the summer. The government does not win such a thing, and SD is the party that voters fall back on if they are worried about the present and uncertain about the future, says Torbjörn Sjöström, CEO of Novus.

The Government Party The Environmental Party notes 5.6 per cent, (-0.3) and the cooperation party Centerpartiet 9.4 (-0.7). The Left Party is still at 9 percent. The Christian Democrats note support of 7.2 percent (-0.5).