• Government, negotiation Pd-M5S 'stop and go'. Conte: "Di Maio did not ask the Viminale"
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27 August 2019

At the end of a tense day, there is satisfaction on the part of Pd and M5S. The meeting between the two parties' delegations, which took place in the late afternoon, seems to have brought the stalemate of negotiations for the formation of a government back.

"A serene meeting" commented Graziano Delrio, in a brief three-point press with the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party Paola De Micheli and the Senate leader Andrea Marcucci. "We have deepened the points for a common program base," says De Micheli. "The work continues" emphasizes Marcucci.

And of "good climate" speaks the leader of the pentastellat senators, Stefano Patuanelli, at the end of the meeting with the Democratic Party that lasted about 90 minutes. "We presented 10 program points during the first day of consultations - he says - the PD has elaborated some proposals in more detail, which today they wanted to show us. No names have been made at the table this afternoon. Tomorrow there will be a new meeting with the Dems ". To those who asked if there were names of ministers, Patuanelli replied in the negative. To those who asked if there will be an M5s-Pd agreement, the Senate leader replied: "I am optimistic by nature".

Therefore, the dialogue between the M5S and the Dems starts again, on the day of the new consultations of the president Mattarella. Only a short time before the head of state starts the consultations, the day begins to turn positive. It is Giuseppe Conte who is removing the situation. With a note, Palazzo Chigi assures that "Di Maio did not ask the Viminale". And close to the post arrives the comment of the leader of the Democratic Party to the Senate Andrea Marcucci: the clarification that Luigi Di Maio did not ask for the Interior Ministry "seems to me a positive sign". Has the deal broken down? "Let's say I'm more optimistic", is the gloss.

The Movement immediately opens: "We welcome positively the opening words of some authoritative members of the Democratic Party on the role of President Giuseppe Conte. Yes to a dialogue on the program and on the issues", he writes in a note, underlining that the M5S wants above all to talk about solutions for the country, "in a phase that we consider extremely delicate following the opening of a crisis that sees us as strangers to all responsibility".

He is the leader of the Senate of the Democratic Party Marcucci who, late in the afternoon, announces a meeting with the M5S group leaders: "He resumes the program table and at 6.00 pm we meet with our colleagues who are leaders of the M5s in the Chamber", he says, leaving the Nazarene, where the control room convened by Zingaretti was held.

Compact march, the Democratic Party, in the decisive hours of the negotiations, to reserve the role of outsider is Carlo Calenda: "I was silent, as promised, until the beginning of the consultations. But now it's enough. The show is indecorous. Today they start and we "We are taking slaps from Di Maio and associates for days. There is a Democrat left who rebels against the diktats on Conte and a negotiation that has not touched on a real issue. #Basta. You can't drop your pants. Time could expire yesterday." #Basta, get back some pride heck !! ", he writes on Facebook ..

A day started uphill
With the M5S that makes the summit jump with the Dem delegation. "We will review the Democratic Party when in their party organs they have given the go-ahead to the task of Conte. No other meeting until they have officially clarified their position on Giuseppe Conte ", reads the pentastellatos note. "Come back to the dialogue, there is no time to lose. The country is expecting serious answers, we are not interested in discussing seats and seats," is the appeal of the group leader Dem in the Graziano Delrio Chamber, leaving the meeting with the party leaders. "There is no veto" on Conte, he reiterates. Then, to the question whether Conte should treat instead of Di Maio, Delrio replies: "Someone takes the situation in hand. Enough with personal ambitions". In any case, if the negotiation has run aground, the responsibility is of the 5 Stars: "Whoever interrupted the dialogue - indicated Delrio - it was not us, the meeting was canceled by them".

Reassurances come from the M5S: "I do not know that the negotiation has been skipped. It goes on, one thing at a time", the leader of the Five-Star Chamber, Francesco D'Uva, commented. "That Conte is not the point is a great step forward, great news".