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President of Medef Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux at the organization's headquarters at a press conference on pension reform on 18 April 2019. ERIC PIERMONT / AFP

The employers make their return this Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 August. The Medef organizes its traditional summer school. This year, for its 21st edition, the appointment makes its small revolution by starting by changing the name.

From now on, it is about the meeting of the entrepreneurs of France, alias REF. A REF that moves and leaves the campus of the High School of Commerce in Jouy-en-Josas to invest the racecourse of Paris-Longchamps. In short, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux , at the head of the Medef since July 2018, wants to leave his mark.

For a revival, the title was all found: "Our futures", with an "s" in parenthesis. At the same time a nod to the Punk movement, "No Future" and a message of hope on delicate themes. In the wake of the G7 , inequalities and climate are at the top of the bill. In full controversy over the fires in the Amazon, the Indian leader Almir Narayamoga Surui will be there. Ten members of the French government will also be present. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy, the "yellow vest" Jacline Mouraud too, but ultimately not Marion Maréchal-Le Pen whose invitation to a round table had been controversial.

The MEDEF will also propose a European sequence with an external look led by the Georgian president and a traditional Franco-German dialogue embodied by Ministers Bruno Le Maire and Peter Altmaier.

Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux sees in the REF a moment of reflection on subjects that do not fall under the " traditional lobbying of the Medef - less burden, less tax ". What remains classic however, is the disagreement with the unions. The CGT, FO and Solidaires call to protest on the sidelines of the event.