• The Pd-M5S negotiation for a new government is underway. Pd Sources: "No insurmountable problems"
  • Orlando, Pd: "There are no insurmountable obstacles between us and M5s"
  • D'Uva, M5S: "Asked the Pd guarantees on parliamentary cuts. There are no other tables"
  • Government crisis, closed the first day of consultations at the Quirinale
  • Di Maio: no elections, 10 points for the new government
  • Salvini: the best way is to go to the elections, but I don't hold a grudge
  • Consultations, Zingaretti: "Available as a breakthrough government, but not at all costs"
  • Consultations, Berlusconi: "Center-right or voting government"
  • Consultations, Melons: for the FdI elections only possible outcome crisis


24 August 2019

There are many plugs on the negotiation between Pd and M5S. While the travails inside the two parties do not seem to change, the dialogue between Luigi Di Maio and Nicola Zingaretti is all uphill. The two leaders meet away from the spotlight, in a top secret place. A dinner for two, where as a 'first course' there is the name of the premier, whom the pentastellato political leader indicated in Giuseppe Conte. The same Grillo raises the people's lawyer, as a solution for the leadership of the Giallorossi government. An aut aut that could be badly digested by the secretary of the PD, but on which the grillini have no intention of giving up.

On both sides, suspicions are numerous, especially when the yellow on the face appears to be held over the weekend (Saturday), first leaked by the Nazarene with a simple "we are working" and then denied by the pentastellata base with "nothing planned". Then twist, the two leaders are seen and it is not said that, between the nodes, there is not that second oven, which could be rekindled even in a tight turn.

The political leader of the 5Stelle, in fact, does not yield to the pressing of reporters and on hypothetical open channels with Matteo Salvini not responding. The door, in fact, for Di Maio is still open, according to accredited sources, even if the negotiation with the Carroccio does not exist.

The confirmation comes just at the end of two hours of meeting between the M5S delegation and the Pd one, by the mouth of Francesco D'Uva: "We have no other tables and comparisons with other political forces" and if the negotiation of the Pd fails, it seems clear to me , there are no other alternatives "if not the vote. A light at the end of the tunnel perhaps, but still very far away. The Democratic Party does not trust, the dialogue at Montecitorio was "constructive", but it is from the Nazarene that the request for a "formal passage" arrives, a clear and incontrovertible declaration to the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, the same one who did not arrive at the first round of consultations.

The spectrum of the Captain on a negotiation with many edges materializes, with silence. Salvini does not comment, he leaves the radar after a live facebook from the Interior Ministry. The leader of the League is silent and does not go to the attack of the "inciucio" even when from the offices of 5Stelle clear signals arrive of a giallorosso government that throws some solid bases.

Di Maio's strategy still remains a mystery and leaves the two paths open: a muscle test to raise the stakes or to make the negotiation with the PD fail to reopen with the Carroccio, from which optimism arrives. There are no "insurmountable obstacles to overcome", confirms Andrea Marcucci, but the pentastellars are not intent on backing down on parliamentarians. The conditions on the law of the Fraccaro of the PD remain unchanged: "We are available to vote on the law but we believe that it must be accompanied by constitutional guarantees and by rules on parliamentary functioning. This is the meaning of the calendar that we are willing to build together and quickly" . Unacceptable, thunder grill sources "the cut-seats must be done in September, without modifications".

The signals are discordant, for now the only certain thing comes from the Pd with the announcement of the opening of six technical tables on Sunday afternoon "for the program of the Government of turning". While at home 5Stelle is expected to make money the weekend to put to the vote on the platform Rousseau the eventual alliance with the Pd. The times are short, however, and the second round of consultations is getting closer. Mattarella observes and waits, no statement will be taken into consideration unless expressed in the study at the Vetrata del Quirinale.

Zingaretti: Conte premier? We need discontinuity
"A first meeting between Zingaretti and Di Maio lasted about an hour. At the center of the very cordial meeting, Di Maio re-proposed a new position to Conte as Prime Minister. Zingaretti reiterated the need for a Government of Turn, not for a personal question, but to emphasize a necessary discontinuity. The confrontation will continue in the next hours. Other points have not been addressed ". This is what we read in a note from the Pd.

Sibilia: Count symbol of discontinuity with the traitors
"In addition to his objective abilities, Giuseppe Conte had the great merit of revealing Salvini's hoax to the Italian people. He made the betrayal of the contract clear. A person who makes his beacon of truth and transparency discontinuity with respect to those who betrayed ". The undersecretary of the Interior, Carlo Sibilia, writes this in a post.