
24 August 2019 "I am very worried, as an Italian, as a political leader and also as an entrepreneur, due to the turn taken by the government crisis".

Thus the president of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, comments on Facebook on the situation that has arisen with the government crisis and the progress of negotiations.

"We had welcomed the rupture of the unfortunate Lega-Cinque Stelle majority, as a premise for a return, in Parliament or through the ballot boxes, to the natural center-right majority that alone could bring the country out of the crisis" explained 'ex premier adding that "instead on the one hand there is a Pd-Five Star coalition that finds convergences on the ideas of the oldest, worst and failing left pauperist, statist and welfare".

On the other hand, "I see the reckless hypothesis of reviving the yellow-green political formula, which caused so much damage to Italy, and which had been declared bankrupt by the League itself only a few days ago".

"Once again the different political forces and the different currents within the parties put in place unscrupulous tactics, worried more about their own destiny than the fate of the Italians. In this serious and worrying scenario - Berlusconi pointed out - it is even more evident that only Forza Italia represents, and does so with pride and determination, the liberal, democratic, guaranteed and Christian political ideas and traditions of Western Civilization, alternatives to the left and quite distinct from sovereignties.We will explain to Italians that only liberal, liberal recipes Forza Italia guarantors can avoid worse evils for our country, they can restart growth and employment and give a future to our children and our grandchildren.For this - he concluded - we at Forza Italia, are essential in the political landscape Italian".