The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova, addressed the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky with wishes after he suggested that Moscow exchange the Crimea for a place in the G8. According to her, the Ukrainian leader "slipped a meaningless set of letters." So, in particular, Zelensky incorrectly used the terms “diplomacy” and “agenda”.

In addition, Zakharova noted that if the president of Ukraine means “high diplomacy” international platforms, the highest of them is the UN Security Council, in which Russia participates in the formation of the agenda and in the implementation of world politics.

“No need to offend the central organ of the United Nations, whose decisions are binding. By the way, the Minsk agreements were supported by a resolution of the Security Council. Accordingly, Ukraine is obliged to fulfill them, ”the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry recalled.

She also noted that “signals” are expected precisely from Kiev and “in reality, not social networks”.

“I will periodically advise you fraternally, until you have staffed the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine. And it’s even embarrassing: like, again in a brotherly way, they wanted to troll us, but it turned out as always, albeit in a brotherly way, ”Zakharova concluded.

  • President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky
  • © Press Service of the President of Ukraine

Earlier, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky in his Facebook talked about the measures that Russia supposedly should take if it wants to "re-take its place on the agenda of high diplomacy."

According to him, the real serious signal to the world will be the “return” of Crimea, reunited with Russia after the 2014 referendum, at which the majority of the peninsula voted for it. Secondly, the end of the conflict in the Donbass. Moreover, the Russian side has repeatedly indicated that it is a mediator, not a party to the conflict. Thirdly, the release of Ukrainian citizens who are serving a prison term in Russia for various crimes and whom Ukraine continues to call “political prisoners,” although Moscow has repeatedly denied such allegations. We are talking, among other things, about the sailors who participated in the provocation organized by Kiev in the Kerch Strait on November 25, 2018.

“I am grateful to those countries that consistently support Ukraine in upholding our territorial integrity and sovereignty,” Zelensky concluded.

“We do not change the dubious status of national interests”

Wrong by definition are attempts to set conditions for Russia to return to the G8, said Alexei Pushkov, chairman of the Federation Council Commission on Information Policy.

“If the Seven wants to remain in its current composition - without Russia and China, causing less and less interest in the world, then this is her choice. But she should understand: exposing the conditions of Russia is a bad policy, ”the senator wrote on Twitter.

As the deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladislav Ganzhara noted, Russia has never dropped out of the “high diplomacy” format, and the return of the country to certain international structures does not depend on the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky.

“Nobody will ask Ukraine in these international structures either. Ukraine is not a subject of international relations, it is an exclusively object. At present, this is an anti-Russian project, formed over the course of five years, in terms of its external manifestations. The past five years have shown that the path that is being built between our country and various international structures, between Russia and a number of countries of the world, in the format of sanctions and confrontation in view of the events that happened five years ago, is certainly a dead end. And today we see that many international structures, many countries are looking for more and more “windows of opportunity” for building relations with Russia, ”said Ganzhara in an interview with RT.

According to him, the question of Russia's return to the G8 remains open, since Moscow already plays a very important role in international relations.

“In this vein, of course, Ukraine has serious hysteria today. Since they see that becoming a bargaining chip in the hands of certain external forces five years ago, today they risk being bargained. And whether Russia will be in G7 or G8, the role and influence of our country on the state of affairs in the world will not change in any way, ”the parliamentarian explained.

According to the State Duma deputy from the Republic of Crimea Ruslan Balbek, the return of Russia to the G8 is not a matter of life and death.

“Russia has been living without the fashionable G8 party for five years and is not going to return to it on conditions of complete surrender. If we need the G7 as a partner, then let the territorial claims to our country about the Crimea be thrown aside, and if they need another "six" - then they were mistaken with the address. We do not change the dubious status for national interests, ”the deputy said in a conversation with RT.

Recall that on August 19 in the French Fort Breganson negotiations were held between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron. During the press conference, the head of state appreciated the possibility of resuming the G8 format.

“As for the possible format within the framework of eight states, we never refuse anything. It was Russia’s turn to hold the G8 at one time, and our partners did not come. Please, we are waiting for our partners to visit our partners at any time within the framework of the Seven, ”Putin said.

Macron noted that the issue of Russia's return to the G8 depends on resolving the crisis in Ukraine, but later added that Russia's participation in the G8 would be appropriate in the future. His position was also supported by US President Donald Trump. In his opinion, a number of issues would be easier to discuss if the Russian Federation was in the G8. At the same time, Trump believes that the Russian side was excluded from this format, since Vladimir Putin “beat” the previous US President Barack Obama.

In turn, German Chancellor Angela Merkel recalled that Russia was suspended for “certain reasons,” while British Prime Minister Boris Johnson indicated that G7 participants “have yet to find arguments” in favor of returning Russia.