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Humans are becoming a group of idiots in the leading countries amid this much development. Unfortunately, this is a scientific fact.Although intelligence does not work alone and career progress is not only indicative of it, the intelligence tests used around the world today are real and measure more than one form of intelligence, the speed of problem solving, short-term memory, not the ability to conduct Calculation only.

Less intelligent than our ancestors
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Global intelligence is on the decline, according to a study by researchers from the University of Michigan and published in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States. The researchers used data from the administrative record, including information on family relationships, degrees of cognitive abilities, and IQ for male groups over three decades.

The study showed a turning point and a decline in what is known as the effect of Flynn in the varying degrees of intelligence within the family, and decline across generations, which proves that the large changes in the average intelligence reflect the intervention of environmental factors and not genetic causes in the formation of parents, which in turn excludes several hypotheses that were essential for decades in theory cork.

Spending more time at school increases intelligence (communication sites)

In the past, there has been a gradual rise in intelligence followed by the "Flynn Effect", a term for the 20th-century period in which those who are smarter than us have lived, and have continued for more than half a century.

This remains clear evidence that humanity is becoming smarter at a constant rate, and humans may be able to indefinitely enhance their mental abilities. Researchers called this theory "Flynn Effect" in recognition of JR Flynn, a researcher who conducted surveys and collected results, and reached the impact of Flynn peak in the mid-seventies of the last century, and declined in the decades that followed. But nowadays Flynn himself admits that the twentieth-century intelligence boom stopped and began to decline.

Why are we slipping ..?
Since the invention of IQ tests last century, the rate has been three points higher than the IQ of each decade, or even higher in some countries such as the Netherlands, where all males at the age of 18 undergo an IQ test. Given the application of the test each year, it was easy to know that the average score is rising up to seven degrees per decade.

Since that time, scientists have not determined why intelligence is so high, and does it reflect real intelligence or a gradual spread of some of the skills found in the test until humans are used to it? But researchers preferred to use genes as evidence to explain differences in intelligence on environmental factors, that an ignorant person would have more, and that a smart person would necessarily have a smart child, an idea that still prevails and is applied to parents and their children in school entrance tests to date, yet recent studies have overturned. These assumptions are upside down.

Intelligence boom in the 20th century is declining

Researchers from Norway's Ragnar Fritsch Center for Economic Research studied the intelligence scores of some 730,000 citizens born between 1962 and 1991. Those born between 1962 and 1975 were found to be the smartest, and the oldest among them was the smartest by three degrees a year. Those born after 1975 gradually reduce the grades of the newest age, a difference of ten degrees between each year and another.

He found that instead of having similar IQs among brothers according to the genetic interpretation of intelligence, IQs differed significantly among siblings of different ages. The study showed that not only IQs varied among family members, it also showed that parents with a higher IQ tend to have more children, ruling out the theory of "abnormal fertility" in which the least intelligent group had the most.

Stupidity is spreading
A range of studies using a variety of IQ tests and scores revealed low scores in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Faroe Islands), Britain, Germany, France and Australia.

Details vary from study to study, and from place to place, given available data, the lack of IQ in Norway and Denmark is reflected in long-term tests on the military. While the information about France is based on a smaller sample and a different test, the pattern was that from the beginning of the century, many developed countries began to decline IQ, with the rest of the fear of the stupidity of its people amid ignorance of the main reasons, according to the American Psychological Association.