• Direction Pd, Zingaretti: "No to a party at Salvini, but I ask you for unity"
  • The opposite front to the vote is growing immediately. But Zingaretti: "No government Pd-M5S. Mattarella will guide us"


12 August 2019There is no peace in the Pd. The crisis of government shakes the various souls of the party and makes contradictions never reclaimed. Matteo Renzi boils the hypothesis of the vote as "madness". The idea of ​​the former prime minister is that of a government he renamed 'no tax'. The priorities are first of all to avoid the VAT increase and to finish the process of the law on the cutting of parliamentarians to then submit it to the Italians through a referendum. Only after putting "accounts and institutions in order" can you go to the polls where, he assures, "we and the M5S will be from two different sides".
But the party secretary Nicola Zingaretti thinks it instead in a diametrically opposite way. For him the way to go is only one: the one that leads to the polls. "To the accordion Pd-M5S with frankness I say no. It would give Salvini an immense space, "he says clearly. The reasoning of the governor of Lazio is simple: "Is it strong to say in the name of democracy we do not vote?", He asks. "So Salvini would shout at the scandal and give him the representation of the right of citizens to vote and decide. Really then the plebiscitary risks would be very serious ".

The various satellites of the dem galaxy are positioned around the two planets, not always in the expected manner. The leader of 'Siamo Europei' Carlo Calenda fully embraces the secretary's thesis. "Technical government for a few months to do what? The toughest maneuver in recent years? We must stop Salvini now and do it together, mobilizing the country. It is the moment of courage, not tactics, "he argues. On the other side of the internal barricade, instead, Ettore Rosato and Dario Franceschini invite everyone not to liquidate Renzi's proposal but to weigh it carefully. An internal debate in which Zingaretti himself does not even close, provided that, afterwards, "we fight together". Goffredo Bettini asked the Five Stars to change the ruling class and to abandon the "demagogic and subversive" themes, to give birth to "a long-term government, with a clear majority, a shared program and an ambition for renewal". In short, an executive who has a much broader horizon than that described by Renzi. Otherwise, says Bettini, go to the "vote in the fall".

Meanwhile, the president of the dem, Paolo Gentiloni, warns everyone because the game gets tough "and when that happens the tough stop quarreling." Net of the institutional declarations among the supporters of the opposing sides the political datum that is hidden behind the exits of the two representatives of greater prominence is, however, crystalline. According to the Renzians, Zingaretti wants the polls to bring his loyalists to Parliament, where he is currently in the minority. For supporters of the secretary, on the other hand, Renzi is aiming for the government of purpose to continue to control the PD troops in the House and the Senate. Internal struggles in the eternal double dem game where the opponent is out but also and above all in the party.