By RFIPalled on 12-08-2019Modified 12-08-2019 at 00:53

Representatives of the FCC and Cach, the two components of the Congolese government coalition, submitted their lists of candidates to a ministerial portfolio.

They arrived at the Prime Minister's house with a delay of one hour and a half. The delegates of the Common Front for Congo (FCC), the platform pro-Kabila, and Cape for Change (Cach) believe they have accomplished the task that has been assigned to them: file the lists of candidate ministers. Three names, including one woman, at each post. Sylvestre Ilunga Ilunkamba now has in his hands the proposals of the coalition for the first government of the mandate of Felix Tshisekedi.

The two heads of delegation, Néhémie Mwilanya Wilondja, for the FCC, and Jean-Marc Kabund, for Cach, refused to answer journalists' questions. However, according to the agenda announced by the Prime Minister, it is Tuesday that the two lists will be submitted to President Felix Tshisekedi who, according to the Constitution, has the power to appoint the government.

►To read also: Press review: the appointment of the government becomes clearer

If it is planned to discuss the FCC's proposals with former President Joseph Kabila, will the Prime Minister also have to submit the Cach list to him? Virtuous response from a Cach negotiator: " The head of state and the life senator have decided to make a coalition, to govern together, so they exchange, both have channels of communication to talk to each other, " explains this framework that required anonymity.

However, there remains the equation AFDC and Allies who still claims membership of the parliamentary majority. Although he was expelled from the FCC, the leader of this political group, Modeste Bahati Lukwebo, reveals that he handed over his list to the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister during the hearings that the two personalities granted him about one year ago. week. According to Modeste Bahati Lukwebo, the majority parliamentary group consists of political groupings that have a legal basis. What the FCC can not claim, he decided.

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