• Cataluña.Cs denounces that the Treasury does not receive 1.6 million for donations to sovereign entities

Citizens (Cs) is clear that it is not Spain that steals from Catalonia but that the independence process has taken a good part of the public money. Therefore, the representatives of the orange formation affected the Generalitat that the cut that prepares 6% in the budgets next year for the departments, as raised by Vice President Pere Aragonès, are a sign that welfare is not prioritized of the Catalans.

The deputy of Cs in the Parlament Nacho Martín Blanco assured that “these days we have seen how the Government of the Generalitat accused, as always, the perfidious Madrid of being the culprit of all the treasury problems that it has, instead of assuming its responsibilities ». In addition, he added that instead of investing in infrastructure or health, the Government has prioritized the subsidy or provide fiscal facilities to those who sign up for entities "not engaged in cultural action but political turmoil" such as Òmnium or Platform per la Llengua. Precisely Cs has asked the Parliament to urge the Government to withdraw this cultural consideration to these entities so that their partners do not benefit from tax benefits.

Martín Blanco also said that Òmnium, together with the ANC, has been “shadow government, being decisive in the decisions taken in the 2015 and 2017 elections call” and added that some of these associations “have used the cover the cultural dimension to try to make politics and favor the separatist government, in addition to having little to do with organized civil society that has a function of counterpower and responding to citizen demands ». In his opinion, he considers these entities to be the "belt of transmission of the message of the separatist parties."

For the deputy and allow "tax privileges" to these cultural entities is a way of favoring them even though they "go against the general interest of the majority of Catalans and that they detract public resources for a strictly partisan interest." In addition, he regretted that the Government "has prioritized everything that has to do with separatist propaganda and denigrating the image of Spain in the world" which for the deputy is a way of "trying to benefit his friends and beach bars." He also regretted that this relationship of the Government with these entities would be the "unequivocal proof that its main objective is to continue generating division in Catalonia, and with business flight, in addition to political instability and legal insecurity."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Citizens
  • Catalonia
  • Spain
  • Jordi Cuixart
  • Òmnium Cultural
  • ANC
  • Jordi Sanchez
  • Madrid
  • Health

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PoliticsC denounces that the Treasury does not receive 1.6 million for donations to sovereign entities