The sunny and warm weather has brightened with its absence during much of July, which seems to have influenced the Swedes' choice of holiday resort. Sales of last-minute travel have increased explosively at the major travel companies in recent weeks. The booking sites Ticket and Resia have both noticed a large increase in booked last minute trips compared to the same period last year.

Pending booking trend

Several of the travel companies and booking sites that SVT has contacted say that earlier this year they saw a pending booking trend.

Bo Jakobsson believes that the warm summer of 2018 is fresh in the memory at the same time as the train trend and awareness of the flight have affected the booking situation.

- Since last summer we have seen a pending booking trend. There has been a lower demand for travel throughout the spring, he says.

Fredrik Henriksson, Head of Communications at Ving, says that the booking trend has now turned even with them compared to the same time last year.

- Now we see that there has been a high pressure on the search for travel in the weather, says Fredrik Henriksson.

Weak currency and flight comb

At the travel company Apollo, sales of summer trips have also been slow, until recently, compared to summer 2018.

"More than usual, I thought maybe" we will be vacationing at home this year "after the hot summer last year," says Apollo's Swedish manager Erika Butterworth.

She also mentions the weak krona as a reason why people have not bought as many trips abroad earlier this year.

Could the flight comb have affected the booking of trips abroad this year?

- In some groups, when we have done surveys, many people say that it is an influencing factor but nothing that makes you choose to travel, says Erika Butterworth.