
Japan once refused to talk to the Korean government, but now permits the export of semiconductor materials, and the government is saying something a little different. A Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs official said, "I want to solve the current situation."

I am a correspondent of Yu Sung-jae in Tokyo.


A foreign ministry official said yesterday that he met with South Korean correspondents and said reimbursement was one of the reasons for export restrictions.

The official said the ruling for compulsory reimbursement is one of the reasons why the trust relationship with Korea has been compromised.

At the same time, he said, "I want to solve the situation.", "To do so, South Korea must provide a solution to the problem of recruitment victims," ​​and "There is an opinion that we must look at the situation calmly and create a win-win relationship." .

Japan's Mainichi Shimbun previously quoted a Japanese government official and said that the government had misunderstood Japan's commodity boycott and continued cessation of various exchanges.

Feeling a bit different than before, which even refused to talk, the Japanese government's willingness to confirm the analysis will be confirmed by the addition of individual permits among so-called list-regulated items.

Also, in Japan's Liberation Day next week, Prime Minister Abe's remarks and the visit to Yasukuni Shrine on the anniversary of the end of the war are expected to gauge the atmosphere of the Japanese government.