“The course of European integration, the course to Europe, Ukraine has long since chosen, and no one is going to change this course,” Interfax-Ukraine quotes him.

At the same time, Zelensky is confident that the course towards NATO’s accession should be determined only through a referendum.

“We have to explain to people that this is, that this is not some kind of alligator who wants to swallow us, Ukraine, that this is really the security of the country,” he said.

Earlier, Zelensky’s advisor to the headquarters of Zelensky, Dmitry Razumkov, said that the showman proposed holding a referendum before deciding whether Ukraine should join NATO and the European Union so that no one could reconsider this decision after a change of government.

Ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Spiridon Kilinkarov, in an interview with NSN, commented on Zelensky’s popularity.