As Chubais noted, he sincerely admires the skill of the representative of the Russian department.

“It seems to me that we underestimated a person, she needs to be promoted further in this direction, it's just awesome. I don’t know, it’s going to be brilliant, somewhere in Dom-2, ”he said on Business FM.

At the same time, he suggested that “Buzov, on the contrary, be promoted at the Foreign Ministry.” In his opinion, Buzova has tremendous support.

Later, Zakharova responded to the words of Chubais.

“I did not know that Anatoly Borisovich was watching Dom-2,” the diplomat wrote on Facebook.

In mid-January, Chubais said that because of the low cost of electricity, Russia is one of the most energy-wasteful countries in the world.

He also called Russia and its inhabitants poor. Zakharova asked him to explain this statement.

Continuing the controversy, Chubais noted that Zakharova "changed" the date of commencement of her work on the date of the beginning of the economic crisis in the country.

Later, the diplomat accepted the “capitulation” of Chubais.