The Yellow Vests continued their actions on Friday, occupying the premises of the Agricultural Social Mutual, in Bruz, for two hours. They are considering other actions in the next few hours.

The Yellow Vests began early this morning in Rennes, briefly blocking the entrance to the National Center for Traffic Offenses. They then headed for the premises of the Mutualité Social Agricole (MSA) in Bruz, south of the city, but gendarmes were there.

A sit-in for two hours

They still managed to occupy the premises for two hours this afternoon, between 15:00 and 17:00, improvising a sit-in, before the intervention of the police.

Elsewhere in the department, in Redon, about thirty yellow vests set up a filter dam at the roundabout of the road to Rennes, at the entrance of the city. In Javené, at the roundabout of the road to Fougères, a dozen yellow vests gathered during the day.

Go to meet the homeless

Tonight, the Vests of Yellow Rennes have planned "a social action, popular" by going to distribute soup, coffee and blankets to homeless people in the street. "We want to show that we are not only there to block, we think of others," says one of them.

Saturday's "blow-out" actions

On Saturday, yellow vests will converge on Paris to join the big national event, where 30,000 people from all over France are expected. This will not prevent local actions. "Half of us will go to Paris. The other half will stay in Rennes, where we have planned two or three actions punch, " says this yellow vest, without saying more.