The deputy of insubordinate France is, this Friday evening, in Rennes. Accompanied by his colleague Ugo Bernalicis, he talks with unsubstantial activists and supporters of the Rennes region. According to them, the movement of yellow vests expresses "just anger".

Invited by the action groups of La France unchallenged Rennes region, Alexis Corbiere, deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis, and Ugo Bernalicis, deputy of North, came to shoot, this Friday evening, in Rennes, "the Emmanuel Macron's eighteen months of politics " in the face of eighteen months of insubordination" as part of their parliamentary work, around Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

"Socially and fiscally unfair"

A look "obviously very critical", continues Alexis Corbière, on the action "socially and fiscally unfair" . from that he goes so far as to rename "the contempt of the Republic". According to him, the "protest" of the yellow vests "expresses just anger" because "there is a degradation of purchasing power" .

This "popular mobilization" which is part of "a sense of injustice" takes "an original form" marked "by a strong distance of citizens vis-à-vis traditional political organizations", notes Alexis Corbière.

A movement that "we must not seek to capture" but that "we (France insubordinate) accompany, we strengthen, we encourage." Because "the mobilized people, it suits us. This is our project, "he insists.

"People are not against ecology," says Alexis Corbière. Ugo Bernalicis adds: "The government is succeeding in making unpopular the ecological and energetic transition" while "it is possible to promote ecology without knocking on people and making their life more difficult".