Haitham Asaad and Mohammed Abdullah Lahib

More than 150 settlement outposts have become around the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the surrounding areas. The money of the UAE and the brokers who protect the occupation, settlement societies, and unjust Israeli laws are devouring Palestinian homes adjacent to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the surrounding areas.

In this investigation, Al-Jazeera documented and documented several houses in the Old City and Silwan, all of which eventually reached the hands of settlers.

Al Jazeera has monitored associations, companies and personalities working on the diversion of Palestinian homes. Some of its activities are covered by figures in the Palestinian Authority, some of whose figures are accused of complicity in the leak.

Home quality .. Charges of power
The family offered the idea of ​​selling the house to the Waqf administration and the Palestinian Ministry of Education, but the house remained without a buyer for two years until Fadi al-Salamin, a young Palestinian close to Muhammad, appeared. Dahlan signed an initial sale agreement with the owner of the house, Adib Jouda.

But that agreement was broken by the Central Court because the two peacemakers could not pay the price - as Gouda explains - for the two to disappear, and Khalid al-Atari, who was presented as a businessman, appears.

When Al-Atari appeared, the residents were informed of the intention to sell the home of a good family. Kamal Kwaider, a Jerusalemite citizen who had to stand against the diversion of houses, called on Adnan al-Husseini, who was then at the head of his job in the governorate.

Qweider describes the settlers' efforts to take over the Jouda family property, saying, "Manish Aref, Jews are not hungry for Halbit, which is located in the Saadiya seas."

He continues to wonder: "If this house is very close to the mosque, something leads to al-Aqsa, I do not know. The Jews recruited a lot of people to take this house from Dahlan to the UAE, to Fadi al-Salamin, to Khaled al-Atari, to Adib Joudeh. The influential have a relationship to selling this house. "

Al-Husseini assured Kamal Qweider in a recorded call that Al-Jazeera received that the house would not be sold. "We are following the matter. Do not worry, even if Al-Atari buys it, he will not be able to sell it in the end because the property has stopped."

With this reassurance, the souls of the Jerusalemite dwelled relatively, and things went on in silence.

Khaled al-'Utari received a recommendation from the governor Adnan al-Husseini, and he accepted it.

Husseini defended himself that the province is not interested in direct search in the backgrounds of the characters, and it refers the search process to the security services, and after the security services to complete their research, and transmit the results to the province, granting approval to sell.

Al-Atari will not have a problem getting a recommendation from the security services; he is a friend of Palestinian Intelligence Director Majid Faraj, as the newspaper Haaretz says, and of Governor Adnan al-Husseini as well. The latter eventually acquitted him and other Palestinian figures, according to the owner of the house, Adib Joudeh.

The documents obtained by Al Jazeera show that a sale agreement was signed between the Gouda family by Lamia Jouda and Khalid Al-Atari on 28 December 2016, after which the electricity contract was transferred to Al-Atari's name.

Al-Atari defended himself by saying that the sale agreement had been made directly between the Joudeh family and Daho Hollings Ltd., and he did not have any income in it. He raised his face to what he said was a copy of the agreement, but the Israeli Property Department doubted the certainty. The house was moved from the ownership of the Joudeh family to Khalid Al-Atari's property on April 23, 2018 and moved on the same day from Khalid Al-Atari to Daho Hollings Limited.

After that, the Ateret Kahonim settlement group got the house for paying $ 17 million to the company it bought for $ 2.5 million.

Al-Atari's connection to the deal he was released from in the last interview before his disappearance was confirmed by the fact that the papers of the company that transferred the property to it bear the name of Al-Atari as a contractor.

Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib, deputy head of the Islamic Movement at home, said that al-Atari and Majed Faraj on the one hand, Fadi al-Salamin and his successor Mohammed Dahlan and the UAE on the other, were "competing" to deliver the property to Jewish settlers.

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah announced on his personal account in Twitter that the authority had set up a commission to investigate the leaking of the property.

In an official statement, the Fatah movement rejected the "names of national figures" in the case file, but the people who accuse the figures of the Authority did not pay attention to what they consider to be condoning or acquiescing in the leaking of the property. They also formed a local committee to follow up the case. Aromatic.

Two of the leaders of the committee formed by the residents were arrested. The Israeli authorities warned them of approaching the leak file, or of exposing the person who caused the leak of Beit al-Jouda, which is very much the same as the warnings issued by figures in the Palestinian Authority. Protect the al-Quda'a houseguards, and deny access to the force behind them at home, which encouraged al-Atari to sell the house, "said Abdullah alqam, the committee's chairman who recorded the facts.

The Jerusalemites woke up on the house of Al-Jouda and turned into a settlement outpost in a neighborhood that separates them from the Al-Aqsa Mosque a few minutes from walking. This indicates that "the complaints that Al-Atari received from the Authority were not in their place," says Adib Joudeh.

We have questioned the certainty of the house of the Al-Jouda squadron, and confirmed the data we have reached. Al-Atari disappeared from sight after an interview in which he appeared tense and unsure of what he said. According to Fadi Al-Salamin,

Majid Faraj, the director of the Palestinian intelligence service, refused to speak to us, as did the spokesman for the PA security services, Adnan al-Damiri, despite our repeated attempts.

The way to infusion
In 2000, Israel developed a strategy to reduce the Palestinian presence in Jerusalem to 12% by 2020.

The Israeli occupation authorities provide a suitable platform for the leak of houses through an arsenal of measures. The most prominent of these laws are the Absentees' Property, the Building Regulation and the Third Generation, all aimed at ending the Palestinian presence in Jerusalem.

The number of houses demolished under the pretext of the non-licensing of 1134 homes between 2001 and 2014, in the sense that it demolishes 6.25 homes every month, and demolishes two homes every ten days for a decade and a half.

In parallel with the laws enacted to restrict Jerusalemites, the economic burden is compounded by Israeli taxes and bank loans used by Jerusalemites to build homes and to cope with the hardships of life, given a precarious economic situation of about 14 percent of the labor force.

Labor wages in Israel represent more than 50% of the population's income.

In the absence of permits from the Jerusalem Municipality, residents resort to construction without a permit, and "when the Jerusalem municipality begins issuing demolition orders and bringing the parties to trial and impose huge fines amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars on the citizen who is already burdened with debts and financial obligations" According to attorney Khaled Zbarqa, the Maqdese citizen finds himself forced to seek a real estate buyer.

The "House of Uzbeks" known among the Jerusalemites as the headquarters of the girl's school, accumulated tax debts, did not find the attempt of the Palestinian Ministry of Education to schedule the debt, and finally leaking the building to the settlers.

The occupation authorities have been able to adopt a policy of long-term self-sufficiency and successive measures to acquire buildings of historical symbolism, such as the headquarters of banks, including the headquarters of Arab Bank, the Jordanian police station Bab al-Amoud, and post and telephone building in front of Bab al-Sahira.

"The family grew up, the heirs wanted to sell their shares, the house was broken, there was no beneficiary, so we decided," said Adib Joudeh, the owner of a Jerusalem house that eventually arrived at the settlers. Sell ​​it ".

In the early 1970s, Ateret Kohnim was founded by a group of Jewish rabbis. It aims to Judaize the city of Jerusalem by supporting the settlements by buying and acquiring houses in all ways, supported by the governments and security of Israel.

In 1979, Al-A'ad broke up with it, without departing from the main objectives of the parent organization.

The two societies are among the most active settlement associations working to extract demographic superiority in the city of Jerusalem.

The efforts of the two organizations are based in the area of ​​Bab al-Khalil, which contains the citadel of Jerusalem, or the "citadel of David," as the Jews call it, and provides a safe passage from West Jerusalem to Al-Aqsa Mosque and its environs.

Arab masks
"We take responsibility for the people of Zay Abdullah Sarsour who was the main reason for the people who trusted the Haj Farid Yahya and brought him to the city of Jerusalem, and knew him about the Islamic Waqf, and this I knew Abu Anan Baydoun and opened him, unconsciously, the field to identify people from Silwan They can sell their property. "

This report refers to Wadi Hilwan Information Center director Jawad Siam as one of the most dangerous tools for the infiltration of Jerusalemites into settlement societies. This is the Arab mask, which is represented by a network of real estate brokers who purchase from the residents on various pretexts and pledge not to leak the real estate. The facts are soon to be revealed. , If they are just a short stop, the property stops on its way to the soft settlement sink.

The director of the Israeli Land Fund in the Jerusalem municipality told Al-Jazeera that their projects to Judaize Jerusalem and buy homes are hiding behind Arab names, refusing to give further details.

Farid al-Haj Yahya, Shams al-Din al-Qawasmi, Khaled al-'Utari and Fadi al-Salamain. Four models reveal documents and testimonies obtained by al-Jazeera involving direct leaks of houses in the Old City and Silwan.

The four and others move to persuade people to sell properties that are facing financial difficulties or offer them for sale for any reason; they are offered to buy them under the guise of business or charity.

The documents prove that al-'Utari was involved in the Beit al-Jouda deal, which is about 350 meters from the al-Aqsa Mosque. The testimonies of the activists and the residents provide information about the infiltration of twenty-two properties in the town of Silwan. Shams al-Din al-Qawasmi, followed by the leakage of al-Rajabi's house in the Old City.

Baydoun and Rajabi Emirates Funds
Farid al-Haj Yahya worked for the Ajman Charity Society and was its representative in Jerusalem for some time. In more than one interview, he declares that he brought UAE money to Jerusalem and contributed to projects Charity.

Lawyer Khaled Zbarqa documents the role of the UAE money in the leaking of a house in 2014 by saying that "the money was transferred from the UAE to an Arab bank in the Al-Eizariya area of ​​the Palestinian Authority. The money was withdrawn, and one of the payments is half a million dollars, .

Abu Anan Baydoun, a Jerusalem resident, quotes Shamsuddin Qawasmi, who is close to Mohammed Dahlan, as saying he is buying real estate for the UAE.

"I want to buy for the UAE," Qawasmi said. "If they want to buy it for the UAE, they can want it in a hospital or school." But in the end, the property reaches the settlers.

"I will not hesitate to say that it is the UAE," said Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib, vice-president of the Islamic Movement at Home, adding that today, tomorrow, before God and before our people, it is Emirati businessmen who are behind these deals. These deals are undoubtedly Palestinian elements and I will not hesitate to say that there are Palestinian figures active in some institutions of the Authority. "

The story of the home of the Joudeh family, which had previously been a mere scenario for the story of the leaking of houses in Silwan and the old town of Jerusalem. The story of Beit Beydoun is told by the owner of the house, Abu Anan Beydoun.

Farid Haj Yahya rented one of the floors of the house on the pretext of hosting pilgrims from countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia, "avoiding - as he says - turning them into Israeli hotels" and began to link ties.

Yahia worked with two Emirati institutions, one of which was the Ajman Charity Society, and he ran the Al Aqsa Association for Endowments and Holy Places. He admitted in a published interview that he was buying houses in Jerusalem with UAE money.

Farid's image is widely shared with former UAE ambassador to Jordan Ali Mohammed al-Shamsi. Farid was "showing his pictures with Emirati princes embracing him," Abu Annan said.

Farid does not argue that he bought houses in Jerusalem and Silwan, but he argues in his number, he denies being 22 or 23 houses, and says that they can reach three or four houses, as he said in his interview with the " October 2014.

Farid was charged with leaking houses to Jewish settlers, claiming he was not selling suspects, but all the houses he bought eventually landed in the hands of the settlers, including 25 houses in the town of Silwan, which were taken at once by settlers on 27 September 2014, Abu Anan Beydoun does not believe that this is by chance.

Abu 'Anan was unable to persuade him to sell the house. The realtor took the contract to the son who sold it on July 15, 2014, and the houses that had previously been held by Farid and turned into settlement outposts causing harm to their Jerusalem neighbors. Their homes or selling to a broker under tax pressure and going bad.

After the incident of Beit Beidoun and similar incidents, Farid Haj Yahya disappeared from sight until today, especially after his blood was destroyed by the residents of Jerusalem. His acquaintances, whom we tried to reach, say that he changes his phone number almost every month and can not be reached.

As Farid al-Haj Yahya and Khalid al-Atari disappeared, Shams al-Din al-Qawasmi also disappeared, and others are accused of leaking Jerusalem homes to Jewish settlers.

The house of the Rajabi family in Silwan is a victim of Shams al-Din al-Qawasmi who paid three times the price of it, on the pretext that Emiratis wanted to buy it.

Qawasmi rented a house from Abu Anan Baydoun, but one of Silwan's acquaintances warned Beydoun of Qawasmi when he learned of his desire to buy Rajabi's house, and that he offered him a price of more than $ 200,000.

Baidoun was confronted by the news of his attempt to buy Rajabi's house. He denied it at the beginning, but he returned and admitted that the Emiratis wanted to buy the house and that he did not know their purpose. Beydoun asked him to leave his house, but he came with a recommendation from the governor of Jerusalem Adnan al-Husseini "He works in the Popular Front, and has a long history with the men of reform, and we are known in this country."

Al-Husseini's recommendation to Qawasmi was not in its place again, because the Rajabi House, which was purchased with Emirati money, and Baid Al-Qawasmi, became a settlement outpost in the town of Silwan in Jerusalem starting October 20, 2014. , By planting a new outpost.

Settlement associations believe that the central lane belongs to the "Jewish heritage of the city".

Where do the trainers go?
"There are a number of infiltrators in the West Bank, they have investments there, in Jericho they own real estate, all those coming from the Wadi Hilweh area have bought properties in Jericho, and some have investments in Kafr Aqeb. They feel safe in Ramallah more than Silwan."

With these words, the director of Wadi Helwan Information Center Jawad Siyam explains the destination of most of the trainees after the burning of their papers in Jerusalem, which may lead to the destruction of the people to their blood.

The Palestinian Authority faces charges of collusion with some of its symbols and organs. The former governor of Jerusalem, Adnan al-Hussein, says the province has not given a complaint to suspects, but the person may change after being granted sponsorship and turn from a regular dealer or broker into a real estate racer.

When confronted with the fact that the captives remain at large after proving their involvement in the leak, or hovering the obvious resemblance to them, Husseini replies that they have "Israeli nationality, or the Jerusalem card" and no access to the authorities. "If they arrested one of them, Israel would besiege Ramallah the next morning", in the words of the former governor.

According to political scientist Jamal Amr, the weakness of the PA's handling of the file is due to the Oslo agreement signed in 1993, which tied the hands of the Palestinian Authority with respect to Jerusalem by referring it to final status negotiations, even though "the Israeli negotiator had never intended to open the Jerusalem file."

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Israeli police prevented the publication of the names of Palestinians involved in the leak of houses to the settlers.

We do not sell to Arabs
The Internet search and contacts with witnesses led us to the addresses of Israeli companies offering homes for sale in Jerusalem, praising their Arab specifications.

House prices on corporate sites range from $ 1 million to $ 20 million.

When contacting advertisers, they rejected our response, saying that "these houses are not sold to Arabs."

We asked them: Who are these houses? "No one will tell you who owns the houses," she said. "The department of municipal property in Israel knows, but no one can give you information other than the owner or his lawyer."

We do not sell to Jews
"I was homeless in a tent in front of my house, which the Jews threatened me to take, and a famous Emirati society came to me and told me: 'Sell your house better than the Jews take it and waste it. Those are the words of Abdullah Abu Nab, a citizen of Jerusalem.

The offers reached twenty million dollars a price for the house, which Abu Nab refused, preferring to be deported from his home and procrastinating the Israeli courts to keep the house dark awaiting justice that the days might come, and eventually sell it to the settlers.

The story of this citizen reveals a part of the steadfastness facing the Jerusalemites, in isolation of the Israeli settlement attempt to change the demographic reality in the holy city without despair. "There is still room for us to establish Palestinian property in Jerusalem," says lawyer Khaled Zbarqa.

Despite the efforts of the settlement associations to encourage settlers to settle in the occupied areas, they continue to fear the parents.

"It was difficult for them to come with such a large amount of settlers at once," says director of the Silwan Information Center Javad Siyam. "They published a newspaper advertisement to compensate every settler who accepts housing in these houses for NIS 500, provided that Be able to carry arms ".

The defense of the Jerusalemites of their city does not find a supportive address, as Kamal Kuweider says: "There is no one for the maximum !!"