The artificial joint is the last hope in some cases, such as movement restrictions, severe pain and damage, yet the new joint is not a permanent solution.

The joints of the body, such as the knee, hip and shoulder, are susceptible to damage for several reasons, said Dr. Ramin Nazimi. The joints are eroded due to aging, lack of movement, obesity and erroneous loading, for example in competitive sports.

The German orthopedic surgeon added that the cartilage mass around the joint is slowly eroding until the joints become more rigidly known as osteoarthritis or osteoporosis.

In the beginning, joint-friendly sports, such as cycling and swimming, are used to strengthen the injured joint, while also losing weight if suffering from obesity.

For her part, German physiotherapist Otte Meretz said bone osteoarthritis itself is not curable. Physical therapy and sports only help to slow erosion. The muscles surrounding the joint become stronger, and pain is often reduced.

If natural therapy does not improve the condition within three to six months as pain continues, surgery becomes the solution.

German orthopedic surgeon Nils Lenin noted that suffering from limping requires surgery, in order to prevent damage to the spine.

The correct time plays an important role in the success of the artificial joint operation, as the delayed composition of the joint causes the pain to continue.

Wrong loading during sport and injuries hurt the knuckle (German)

"For example, the new hip joint is in danger of being pulled down because of the" man to man "position, which is why the patient should avoid this position in the first three months after surgery, she said.

As the pain of the wound recedes, the patient can gradually mount the joint to gradually build muscle. The duration of adaptation to the new artificial joint varies from one case to another, but is six months on average.

If all is well, the patient will be able to use the joint again painlessly, but not necessarily forever; some factors may cause the disintegration of the artificial joint such as the nature of the bone structure, obesity and overload, resulting in pain and limitations In motion.

Lenin explained that the lifetime of the artificial joint varies from patient to patient, but it is often necessary to change the knee joint after 10 to 15 years, and the hip joint after 15 to 20 years.