If you exercise regularly, there are many tips and dietary rules that you should follow, such as consuming more carbohydrates, being careful to drink enough water, and taking exercise periods into consideration.

Sandra Sanchez, in her article published in the Spanish newspaper "Confederation", says that lack of physical activity destroys anyone's health, while sport is one of the most healthy things.

The problem of the present age is that people do not exercise. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that at least 60% of the world's population is moving too far. The main reason for this is the fact that jobs are not dependent on effort Physical, as well as the use of transportation rather than walking, especially within major cities.

People with sedentary diets tend to diet worse and smoke more than others, making them vulnerable to weight gain, suffering from heart disease, diabetes, spinal problems, and some cancers.

The author stresses that it is now agreed that everyone needs to exercise, which many feel is particularly exciting during the current period, in the fall, because it is the time of many to start physical activity.

Whether we have just joined the gym, or have been used to exercise for a long time, we need to clarify the proper way to eat, so that sports and diet are in line with each other, improving our health and maintaining our ideal weight.

Do not over-eat sweets unless they are just as healthy (Pixabee)

Personal nutrition
For advice, Marcos Flores, Spain's six-time personal trainer and champion of Spain, confirms that advice on nutrition should always be personal to each individual's individuality in order to correct the mistakes most people make because of their eating habits.

Common mistakes include not eating breakfast, drinking coffee in the middle of the morning, exercising immediately after lunch, and not eating enough to meet energy needs. The calories a person needs to exercise regularly are twice that of a person who lengthens Sit down.

Carla Sanchez, a nutritionist and personal trainer, explains that according to each person's training program, meals should be distributed throughout the day and organized in terms of quantity and quality. Food can be distributed in three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as two snacks in the middle.

On the appropriate nutrition for those who exercise to burn fat and increase muscle mass, Carla Sanchez considers that each person's diet must be commensurate with his personal goals, body composition and level of physical activity. There is no fixed diet suitable for everyone, because everyone is different from others.

Marcus Flores also advises attention to the time spent in the exercise, and its relation to food time, in order to maintain the stability of blood sugar level. "We can fill the tank with fuel once, then use whatever we need," Flores said. But it does not happen with the human body this way, that is, we do not fill our stomach with food and then make the effort whenever we want to.

On the other hand, you should eat at different intervals depending on the exercise and amount of movement, so that we allow our bodies to turn this food into energy.

The Spanish Sports Medicine Center advises that certain physical rules should be followed to maintain healthy physical activity, with a balanced and balanced diet, eating carbohydrate-rich foods, which should account for between 60 and 65 percent of daily energy consumption, And 25% of our energy consumption.

In addition, it is recommended to favor the consumption of plant foods, blue fish, nuts, eggs, dairy products and meat because they contain high amounts of proteins, which are supposed to account for 15% of our daily energy consumption.

Carbohydrates are important for athletes (Pixabee)

Carla Sanchez explains that the consumption of sufficient amounts of carbohydrates makes our reserves of stored glycogen molecules of energy available, so that the body later on the energy needed to make physical effort.

In the mid-morning and mid-afternoon, snacks are determined by the time of exercise. Among the choices are yogurt without sugar. But if the breakfast is light, and you have an afternoon workout, the snack between breakfast and lunch should be a steak sandwich or some eggs and tuna.

Athletes must also pay attention to the issue of hydration of the body. An intense physical activity can lose important amounts of fluid. Doctors know that a loss of 10% of the body's water is a serious threat to our health. Therefore, athletes must pay careful attention to the question of replacing lost fluids at exercise.

The Spanish Sports Medicine Center is advised to drink a liter of water per 1000 calories consumed, with the distribution of fluids before, during and after exercise, especially as water consumption directly affects our performance, and lack of moisturizing the body may lead to muscle spasms and dizziness and signs of fatigue.