The European Union said it was "deeply concerned" about the Iranian ballistic missile activities and called on Tehran to refrain from launching them and stop activities that deepen mistrust and destabilize the region. The United States has begun its actions on the implementation of President Donald Trump's declaration Iraq to monitor Iran.

In a statement yesterday evening, the European Union said it was "deeply concerned" that Iran was testing ballistic missiles and called on Tehran to stop activities that deepen mistrust and destabilize the region.

"Iran continues to make efforts to increase the range and accuracy of its missiles, as well as to increase the number of tests and operational launches, which increase mistrust and contribute to regional instability," the EU said in a statement. On behalf of Trump on the control of Iran from Iraq, where the President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives Mohammed Halbusi, yesterday, the Council received a request to reorganize the presence of US forces in the country, and said that the request will be discussed during the next legislative term.

Prior to the statement, Iraqi President Barham Salih said Trump did not ask permission from Iraq to keep a US military presence in control of Iran and stressed that "none of the agreements include the presence of US forces to monitor Iran's activities."

Trump said in an interview with CBS's "Face the Nation" program yesterday that it was important to maintain a US military presence in Iraq so that Washington could closely monitor Iran because Iran was a problem. Real. "

Trump added that he did not believe the leaders of the intelligence agencies in his country, about what they say about Iran's commitment to the nuclear agreement, which withdrew from the United States, and stressed that it differs with them.

In a related context, Sky News Arabia quoted the National Interest magazine as saying that while European forces are establishing a mechanism to trade with Iran in a currency other than the dollar to avoid US sanctions, Tehran's intelligence continues its aggressive policies towards EU countries. The implementation of its plans for terrorism and assassinations that pose a threat to the continent.

European countries, signatories to a nuclear deal between Iran and world powers in 2015, are trying to salvage the deal, despite the US withdrawal from it in May.

In January, Germany's Federal Prosecution Office reported that a man of Afghan and German nationality who worked for the German army was arrested on suspicion of transferring data to an Iranian intelligence agency.

Prior to this, last June, the security services revealed a plot to blow up a meeting of the National Council for Resistance of Iran, which is based in Paris, on the outskirts of the French capital, and attended by the lawyer Trump Rudy Giuliani, and a number of former European ministers and Arabs.

The plot was uncovered after Germany arrested Assad Asadi Asadi, a Vienna-based diplomat detained by the German authorities. Two people were arrested with explosives in Belgium and another was arrested in France.

Last December, Albania's foreign ministry said Tirana had expelled Iran's ambassador and another diplomat "for harming its national security." The decision to expel the ambassador came months after the arrest of two Iranian activists in Albania who were plotting an attack on a house of members of the Mujahedeen Created by the Iranian regime responsible for the demonstrations that erupted in the country last year.

France and the Netherlands joined the list of countries that expelled a total of five Iranian diplomats in 2018, "but this is also only a temporary step in the right direction," according to the American magazine.

These conspiracies have awakened the European authorities to face the growing threat of Iranian-backed terrorism. The European Union has unanimously adopted a sanction for the confiscation of Iranian funds and European criticism of the Iranian regime has increased, but all this is not enough in the face of the terrorist threat, Nationalist said.

Iran announced last week that it would not negotiate its missile program and rejected calls to curb its ballistic missile activities, saying it would continue to work to improve the accuracy of its missiles, but did not intend to increase the range of those missiles. Earlier this week, Iran organized a military exhibition in Tehran Missiles and military devices, and announced a new missile claimed that the range of 1,300 km, despite international positions to restrict its programs of ballistic missiles.

Iran's refusal to negotiate its missile program and the Tehran military parade ahead of a forthcoming meeting, announced by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, will be held in Poland on February 13 and 14 on stability in the Middle East and ensure that Iran does not have a destabilizing influence in the region. .

• Iran pre-empts the meeting of Poland by organizing an exhibition of missiles and military mechanisms.