The Prophet, the imam of the Linewood Mosque - the second mosque that was targeted in the Christchurch Massacre - saw the difficult moments he experienced with the worshipers.

During the visit of the island's emissary to the mosque, God mentioned that he had survived the attack and how the Afghan refugee Abdul Aziz treated the murderer and helped protect others and reduced the number of dead in the mosque.

Gunman Brenton Tarant, 28, killed 50 people after attacking two mosques in the most violent mass shootings in New Zealand's modern history.

The gunman killed 41 people at the Nur mosque before driving about five kilometers through Christchurch and attacking the Linewood mosque, where seven people were killed and two others later died of their wounds in hospital.

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"The criminal killed a man and his wife abroad, smashed the window and killed someone inside, and then we knew that something was happening," he said, "everyone tried to hide and land."

"I was standing by the door and Abdul Aziz in front of me, there was a movement and shouted at the culprit and said: Who are you?

The mosque's imam explained that the murderer threw his weapon at the gate of the mosque. Then Abdul Aziz took the credit card and threw it at him. He fled. Abdel Aziz entered the entrance to the mosque. The perpetrator took a small pistol and started shooting. Abdel Aziz tried to avoid injury.

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Before the gunman was able to take another automatic rifle from his car, Abdul Aziz, who had picked up the rifle shot by the perpetrator, tried to shoot him, but it was empty and the murderer was confused because he imagined Abdel Aziz would shoot him. Abdul Aziz hit the front window of the car with the empty spray he was carrying, and smashed it, and then the killer fled.

In response to a question about how he managed to survive, he said: "Praise be to Allaah. He (the murderer) did not come in and Abdul Aziz was chasing him. He did not enter the mosque because his ammunition ran out. If he had ammunition, he might have killed everyone. We have to go out and tell us that it is gone. "