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Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, self-proclaimed interim president, arrives at the Colombian military base in Catam, near Bogotá, along with Colombian Foreign Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo, on February 24, 2019. Courtesy of Colombian Presidency / Handout via REUTERS

International pressure is mounting on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in the aftermath of the failure of Venezuelan humanitarian aid entry via the Colombian and Brazilian borders. Maduro's days are "counted," according to Washington.

The standoff between Juan Guaido and Nicolas Maduro continues. At least two dead, more than 300 wounded after the unrest erupted Saturday, February 23 at the borders between Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil.

Humanitarian aid has not arrived in Venezuela. On a day marked by violence this Saturday on the border with Colombia, the National Guard and groups of civilians armed by the government managed to contain the pressure of those who, on the Colombian and Venezuelan side, wanted to succeed in these shipments of food and medicine. Several trucks of humanitarian aid were burned. In front of Simon Bolivar Bridge, one of the main border posts in San Antonio, dozens of people were injured on Saturday. This Sunday, life begins again slowly.

[Reportage] The day after, San Antonio atmosphere 24/02/2019 - by Marie Normand Play

International pressure rises on Maduro

" I am certain that thanks to the Venezuelans the days of Maduro are numbered, " said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in an interview on CNN, also repeated in an interview on Fox.

It was Mike Pompeo who was the first to react. The head of the American diplomacy does not mince his words. " The United States will act against those who oppose the peaceful restoration of democracy in Venezuela. Now, the time has come to act to support the needs of the desperate Venezuelan people , "he wrote on Twitter, calling the Venezuelan security forces" brutal "

The US will take action against those who oppose the peaceful restoration of democracy in #Venezuela. Now is the time to act in the desperate Venezuelan people. We stand in solidarity with those continuing their struggle for freedom. #EstamosUnidosVE pic.twitter.com/XfLEsyT6Rj

Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) February 24, 2019

The head of the American diplomacy also greeted on his Twitter account " the president Ivan Duque and Colombia for their leadership and Brazil for its unfailing support in organizing a vital help for the Venezuelan people ". He also appealed to the Venezuelan army: " Cuban agents are directing attacks on Venezuelan residents on behalf of Maduro. The Venezuelan army should do its duty, protect the citizens of the country and prevent the puppeteers of Havana from starving their hungry children , "he wrote on his Twitter account.

For its part, Canada member of the Lima Group, criticizes the Venezuelan government to impede the distribution of basic necessities to the poor. The Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs has denounced " inadmissible " acts and " demands that these inadmissible attacks be investigated and their perpetrators brought to justice ".

On the Colombian side, President Ivan Duque, a staunch supporter of the opponent and self-proclaimed Venezuelan interim President Juan Guaido, takes international opinion to witness: " We have seen today how repression has sought to prevent the humanitarian aid of to reach all the mechanisms. This must be an opportunity for the world to unite and say to the dictatorship of Venezuela: too much is too much! And tell the dictator that the end of the oppression has arrived, "he wrote on his Twitter account.

Saturday night, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro broke relations with Colombia.

→ Read: Juan Guaido: "We ask you to consider all eventualities"

" The regime's refusal to recognize the humanitarian emergency is leading to an escalation of tensions, " said the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini in a statement on behalf of the 28 EU member states. " We reject the use of irregular armed groups to intimidate civilians and lawmakers who have mobilized to deliver aid, " she insisted. The EU is ready to increase its humanitarian aid.

Mike Pence participates in the Bogota meeting of the Lima Group on Monday

Juan Guaido, who had been in Cucuta since Friday despite a judicial ban on leaving Venezuela, arrived this Sunday in Bogota. He announced that he would attend a meeting of the Lima Group on the crisis in Venezuela in Bogotá on Monday, which includes fourteen American countries, most of them hostile to Nicolas Maduro. A meeting will also be attended by US Vice President Mike Pence.

What if the Lima group was a submarine from the United States? This is a recurring criticism. This diplomatic baby, born in August 2017 in Peru, would serve as a showcase for Washington to drive Nicolas Maduro out of power.

Since its creation a year and a half ago, the Lima Group has taken very strong positions towards the Venezuelan regime. He speaks of an illegitimate president, an election not in accordance with international law, and denounces the humanitarian consequences of the crisis affecting the country.

The members of the Lima Group were also among the first to recognize Juan Guaido as Acting Head of State. It's too good to be true, according to critics of the Lima group. They assert that this organ is an invention of Donald Trump who could not have sentenced Nicolas Maduro to the Organization of American States and that he provoked a split to achieve his ends. The presence of Mike Pence today, the US Vice President, alongside Juan Guaido and the Lima Group, is not going to fix his reputation in circles close to Venezuela.