The Vendac Attac movement has decided to lend its support to the Yellow Vests because it endorses most of their demands. "To know more justice and more consideration".

Attac Vendée has decided to support the Yellow Vests, because according to the movement, what the Head of State calls the ecological tax is "an abuse of language, hypocrisy." In 2019, out of the $ 37 billion in fuel tax revenues, only seven will be earmarked for ecological transition. "If there is a need to finance it, let it start with the $ 3 billion it took to eliminate the wealth tax. And that it attacks the 100 billion tax evasion, " claims the movement.

He believes that funding for a change of course is possible. "By regulating, by dissuasive taxes, the oil and gas companies and banks that still finance fossil fuels; by making air and maritime transport contribute to the fight against pollution. By reducing the power of finance through a tax on financial transactions " .

Saturday, December 8, Attac Vendée announces that it will "contribute in its own way" to the movement of yellow vests to be at the height of social and climate issues. "In particular demanding that the money for sustainable development and solidarity (LDDS) can no longer finance the extractive industry and the worsening of global warming . "