Since the beginning of the mobilization of "yellow vests", clashes have multiplied between protesters and police. But in the Var, "yellow vests" collaborated with the police, allowing the arrest of an individual in possession of a shotgun and cartridges. As revealed by Nice Matin , the man was arrested at the wheel of his car on Friday night, at the roundabout toll Bandol.

He "pretended to be a 'yellow vest' and came to steal food at night." For several days, the "yellow vests" had noted a troubling behavior in this man who "pretended to be a 'yellow vest' and came steal the food at night," as one of them explains in the columns. than local daily.

"On the night of January 1", the events took another turn. The man fired several "shots in the air" and "also abused a woman on the spot": "He was drunk and went home." The protesters, who want to maintain "a pacifist movement, in good spirits," therefore called the police on Friday, after contacting the disruptive element.

"We are proud to have been able to help the police." This cooperation results from an exchange between the police and the demonstrators. "We exchanged with the demonstrators about the violence that can sometimes happen in this type of demonstrations, we also gave a contact so that we could exchange and we reminded them that in an emergency they should not do not hesitate to call 17 ", a police source told Nice Matin .

"We are proud to have been able to help the police.We are pacifists and this incident has nothing to do with us.The movement of" yellow vests "is nonviolent and we do not tolerate this type of behavior. Of all the acts of violence committed especially this one, that's why we wanted to warn the police ", for its part explained a" yellow vest ".