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Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh before the Senate Judiciary Committee, September 4, 2018. REUTERS / Joshua Roberts

On the eve of his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Donald Trump's candidate for the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh is targeted Wednesday, September 26 by a new charge explosive.

With our correspondent in Washington, Anne Corpet

Already facing sexual assault and sexual misconduct charges, Judge Brett Kavanaugh is now facing a third charge. In a three-page solemn declaration made public by her lawyer, Julie Swetnick declares that he was part of a group of boys who tried to make girls drink or drug in order to abuse eller . She claims to have herself been drugged and raped at a party where he was present in the early 1980s.

Stormy Daniel's lawyer publishes the testimony of a third woman who claims to be a victim of Brett Kavanaugh. She accuses him of rape and suspects that he has been drugged. Explosive charge on the eve of the judge's hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. https://t.co/2B9m1rM1BV

Anne Corpet (@annecorpet) September 26, 2018

" Brett Kavanaugh and others were trying to get drunk and disoriented so that they could rape them in a meeting. I remember very well those rows of boys who waited until their turn in front of a room where a girl was. Brett Kavanaugh was one of those boys, "she wrote.

On the other hand, Julie Swetnick does not write categorically that Brett Kavanaugh was one of the boys who assaulted her. She suspects that she was previously drugged and claims to have told at least two people at the time what happened to her.

His lawyer Michael Avenatti said he had warned for several days the Judiciary Committee of the Senate - which must hear the judge and one of his accusers on Thursday - but in the absence of response, he finally resolved to return the public case. Michael Avenatti is certainly a lawyer with a reputation sulphurous, he loves the light of the media, but he produces on his Twitter account an affidavit of his customers and must therefore be taken seriously. In any case, the commission decided to examine it.

Michael Avenatti is a sulphurous lawyer who loves the media circus and is at war with Trump. He plans to come to the White House in 2020. BUT he produces a sworn statement from his client, so it's pretty serious.

Anne Corpet (@annecorpet) September 26, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh, for his part, strongly denies these new accusations, he says, of "the fourth dimension". " It's ridiculous, I do not know that person. It never happened, "he said in a statement sent by the White House. President Donald Trump himself said the accusations were " false " and attacked on Twitter Michael Avenatti, calling him " shabby ".