The passage across the Mediterranean remains dangerous for migrants. In the first ten months of this year, according to the UNHCR, around 105,000 people came to Europe. But more than 2,000 people lost their lives during the escape since the beginning of the year.

A spokesperson for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said 2018 would be "the fifth year in a row" to exceed 100,000 refugees. However, there has been a decline in the numbers: this year, however, this threshold has been exceeded much later than around 2017, when it was already in July.

Spain has become the main destination of refugees in Europe this year, ahead of Greece and Italy. Since the beginning of the year more than 49,000 refugees arrived at Spain's shores according to IOM data. 564 died during the crossing or are missing.

The Spanish authorities had recently discovered the bodies of 18 boaters from Africa who died on their way across the Mediterranean. Accordingly, 13 bodies were aboard two refugee boats floating in the water off the coast of the Spanish exclave of Melilla in North Africa. Five more were reported to have been killed off the coast of Cádiz in southwestern Spain. About one hundred more refugees arrived living on the Spanish coast.

The situation for migrants remains extremely tense, especially in the Greek islands. The UN organization UNHCR again called on the government in Athens to bring more refugees to the mainland. In Samos and Lesbos 11,000 people seeking protection have landed in the past three months. The conditions on the ground are bad. In the refugee camp Vathi on Samos 4000 people were waiting, although the camp was designed only for 650. The UNHCR called for urgent action in the face of the upcoming winter.