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House of Commons Speaker John Bercow announcing the results of MPs' votes on the 8 options to find an alternative solution to Brexit. Reuters TV via REUTERS

British MPs voted late Wednesday against the eight options to find an alternative solution to the European Union withdrawal agreement negotiated by Prime Minister Theresa May and already twice rejected by Parliament. These scenarios, which they themselves proposed, included an exit without agreement, a customs union with the European Union or a renunciation of Brexit in the event that no agreement was approved by the deputies.

This block rejection is not a surprise as the British Parliament is divided. In detail, there is on one side of the spectrum the deputies who would have liked to leave on the scheduled date, in two days. They were 105 Wednesday night.

On the other hand, the option that has garnered the most votes, the customs union, kind of mild Brexit, but we are still very far from the majority.

Comment from the Brexit Minister: " There is no clear preference for the agreement proposed by the Prime Minister, so it is this agreement signed with the European Union that Parliament should support ".

It is not known yet whether it will be presented soon, as the signals are contradictory. The government has asked parliamentarians to be available until Friday, a possible day of voting, but especially Theresa May threw her last card into the battle.

It was in camera on Wednesday in an atmosphere described as " moving " in a crowded room, to clear a market with his side, namely the vote of his agreement against his departure from power.

Except that the gesture did not move his little ally, the North Irish unionist party DUP. Northern Irish people always say no . Ten precious voices and 75 missing to get the deal through.