“After the return of the occupied Crimea and eastern territories of Ukraine, the payment of reparations for almost 400 years of occupation, we will definitely return to negotiations with Muscovy, Tatarstan, Chechnya and Siberia on the flight over their territories and permits for the aviation companies of these countries to fly over the territory of Ukraine” - he told Interfax-Ukraine.

Earlier, Ukraine imposed a ban on any direct flights with Russia. These actions in Kiev were connected with the fact that presidential candidate Yuriy Boyko and the head of the political council of the Opposition Platform - For Life party Viktor Medvedchuk visited Moscow.

The first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Dmitry Novikov, in an interview with RT, called it another political demarche.

Rosaviatsiya, in response to this statement, the Ukrainian side suggested that it conduct negotiations and resume regular and charter flights.

Crimea became the Russian region after the referendum held there in March 2014, in which the majority of the inhabitants of the peninsula spoke in favor of reunification with Russia.