The text was approved by 441 votes while 105 deputies voted against the postponement.

British MPs approved by a large majority on Wednesday the postponement of Brexit, originally scheduled for March 29. The text was approved by 441 votes, while 105 deputies voted against.

Indicative votes

Members of the House of Commons also rejected the eight alternatives to the divorce agreement. Among the options proposed by the elected representatives were an exit without agreement, a renunciation of Brexit or the organization of a referendum on the divorce agreement to be chosen.

These indicative votes are however not binding for the government and Theresa May has already indicated that she would oppose the choice of MPs if he contradicts the commitments of his Conservative Party to exit the single market and the European customs union.

Options still on the table

The British Prime Minister had announced earlier that she would step down if her Brexit agreement was adopted, yielding to calls from many MPs, including in her camp, who conditioned their support for the text when she left.

The 27 European leaders had presented Theresa May with an alternative: either the agreement is adopted and the postponement will be short-lived until 22 May; either the agreement is rejected, and London will have until April 12 to present an alternative and ask for a further postponement, which would imply the holding of European elections in the country at the end of May. Otherwise, it will be an exit without agreement.