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British Prime Minister Theresa May faces vigorous opposition, even within her own party. REUTERS / Peter Nicholls

In the United Kingdom, Brexit and the resulting political crisis continue to be on everyone's lips. Sunday political broadcasts have not lost a beat. Prime Minister Theresa May and her political opponent Jeremy Corbyn were both on Sky News this Sunday morning. While Theresa May will return to Brussels this week to deepen negotiations ahead of the extraordinary EU summit next Sunday, she has been keen to defend her plan for Brexit, more contested than ever.

With our correspondent in London, Marina Daras

Faced with the resignation from the chain and the rebellion of thirty or so Conservative MPs who want to replace her, Theresa May remains immutable.

" It's about doing what's good for the country and, for me, I'm not going to be distracted by that, " she said. I will continue to do my job during this critical week so that we get a good final deal for this country. A change of leadership at this stage will not facilitate negotiations and will not change parliamentary arithmetic. What it will bring is a certain degree of uncertainty, and the risk of seeing the Brexit delayed. I have always been clear on this, people have voted for us to leave, we will leave and we will leave on March 29, 2019. "

For his part, opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, who admitted he had not read all 585 pages of the agreement, reaffirmed the Labor Party's position: " We will vote against this agreement because it does not serve the interests of our country. After all, they have had since the referendum of 2016 to undertake serious negotiations and we are now 131 days and only here we present an agreement in Parliament, "he said.

And if the agreement on the future of the relationship between the United Kingdom and the EU can still be amended, the exit agreement, it can no longer return to the negotiating table.

So, in addition to risking her daily role as Conservative leader, Theresa May will also have to face the rebellious ministers, if she wants to bring this agreement to a successful conclusion.

(Re) read: Brexit: the European Union faces the challenges of the summit of 25 November