The Declaration of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, establishes the year 2019 as a year of tolerance. The UAE is a global capital of tolerance, with more than 200 nationalities.

The directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, have led to the formation of the Higher National Committee for the Year of Tolerance, to consolidate the values ​​of tolerance in society and to spread the UAE model of tolerance globally.

"We want the UAE to be the world's foremost authority in the culture of tolerance, its policies, laws and practices," he said. "Tolerance increases our strength and strength and establishes a global and humane UAE society."

In November 2017, he named the most beautiful pedestrian bridge in Dubai on the new canal, "Bridge of Tolerance", to highlight the value of tolerance in the country. Before that, the UAE was the only country in the world to appoint a minister for tolerance. His Highness launched the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for World Peace, which is based on Islamic teachings and reflects the meanings of tolerance and moderation in 2016. He also launched a global initiative for tolerance, including honoring the symbols of tolerance in the fields of human thought, literary creativity and aesthetic arts. The Mohammed bin Rashid Award for Tolerance, to support the intellectual, cultural and media productions related to the establishment of values ​​of tolerance and openness to the other in the Arab world, and the establishment of the International Institute for Tolerance, the first institute in the Arab world to provide policy advice that establishes the values ​​of sublimation Among peoples, and published studies and reports on the subject of tolerance. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, called on Maryam Um Issa (peace be upon them) to the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Mosque in Al-Mashref area, Our true religion, and the common denominators of the heavenly religions. The UAE is ranked first in the World Tolerance Index by the International Institute for Administrative Development in Switzerland for adopting a policy of openness towards other peoples and having a society that focuses on values ​​shared by different religions and cultures. The Declaration of His Highness the President of the State in 2019 Tolerance, consistent with the importance attached by the State to this value, which ensures the peaceful coexistence of societies and frames the relations of love and affection among the various peoples. The Declaration recognizes tolerance as a sustainable institutional act through a range of legislation and policies aimed at deepening the values ​​of Tolerance, dialogue, acceptance of the other and openness to different cultures, especially among the new generations, with positive effects on society in general.

The "Year of Tolerance" represents an extension of the "Year of Zayed", as it carries the highest values ​​of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, to establish it among the people of the UAE. The UAE has been a pioneer in the participation of countries in the world in promoting the value of tolerance, such as its contribution to the 50 th anniversary of UNESCO on November 16, 1995, in adopting a Declaration of Principles on Tolerance that emphasizes tolerance and indifference. The life that man depends on in every spot. Thus, tolerance recognizes universal human rights, the fundamental freedoms of others, and since people are inherently diverse, tolerance alone can ensure the survival of mixed societies in every region of the world. The UAE is a key partner in several international conventions and treaties related to the rejection of violence, extremism and discrimination and has become a global capital in which East and West civilizations meet to promote peace and rapprochement between peoples. In 2015, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan issued a decree on combating discrimination and hatred , Aimed at enriching the culture of tolerance and confronting manifestations of discrimination and racism, whatever their nature (ethnic, religious or cultural). In November, Dubai hosted the World Summit for Tolerance under the slogan "Achieving the full benefit of diversity and pluralism", with the participation of more than 1,500 high-profile figures, including government leaders, peace experts, academics, specialists, social impacters and envoys from the international diplomatic community, And local. The United Nations classifies tolerance as a moral value, because it embodies the ability to respect diversity and to live, to allow others to live, to be able to uphold personal convictions, to accept others' convictions and to enjoy personal rights and freedoms without infringing the rights and freedoms of others. It is also the cornerstone of democracy and human rights, while intolerance leads to the violation of human rights and the outbreak of violence or armed conflict.

Zayed's words:

«The approach of Islam is to deal with everyone as a human being, regardless of his creed or race»

Axes of tolerance

The government affirmed that the Year of Tolerance will focus on axes that seek to establish values ​​of tolerance and openness to cultures and peoples by:

Tolerance in society, tolerance in education, institutional tolerance, cultural tolerance and tolerance in the media.

Tolerance requires appreciation of cultural diversity

On 16 November 1995, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, which stressed the responsibilities of Member States to develop and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms among all people without any discrimination based on race, sex, National origin or religion, any discrimination due to disability or disability, and in the fight against intolerance.

He stressed that all positive measures needed to promote tolerance in our societies were being taken. Tolerance was not only a cherished principle but also essential to the peace and economic and social progress of all peoples.

"Tolerance means respect, acceptance and appreciation for the rich diversity of our world's cultures, forms of expression and human qualities, and is enhanced by knowledge, openness, communication, freedom of thought, conscience and belief, and harmony in the context of difference, which is not only a moral duty but also a political and legal duty, A virtue that facilitates peace and contributes to the replacement of the culture of war. "

The Declaration noted that tolerance did not mean compromise or tolerance; it was a positive attitude in which the right of others to enjoy universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms was recognized. Tolerance should not be invoked to justify the violation of these fundamental values. He emphasized that the practice of tolerance did not conflict with respect for human rights and therefore did not mean accepting social injustice, or abandoning one's beliefs or complacency. It meant that one was free to adhere to one's beliefs and accepted others to adhere to their beliefs. That human beings are different in their appearance, status, language, behavior and values, have the right to live in peace and to match their appearance with their informants. It also means that the views of the individual should not be imposed on others.

Article 2 states: "Tolerance at the state level requires the guarantee of justice, impartiality in legislation, enforcement of laws and judicial and administrative procedures. It also requires the provision of economic and social opportunities to everyone without any discrimination. Any exclusion or marginalization leads to frustration, aggression and intolerance." Article 3 of the Declaration affirms that "tolerance is necessary between individuals, at the family and community level, and that efforts to promote tolerance, open-mindedness, some listening to some and solidarity should be made in schools and universities, through informal education, at home and at workplaces "The media and the media can play a constructive role in facilitating free and open dialogue and discussion, spreading values ​​of tolerance and highlighting the dangers of indifference towards the emergence of intolerant groups and ideologies."

Education is the most effective way to prevent intolerance. The first step in tolerance is to teach people the rights and freedoms they share in order to respect these rights and freedoms, as well as to strengthen their determination to protect the rights and freedoms of others.