The United Arab Emirates has provided new support to the security and police services in the Yemeni province of Hadramout, as part of the program to support and rehabilitate the security forces in the coast of Hadramout, funded for one year from the UAE.

The governor of Hadramout, commander of the second military zone, Maj. Gen. Faraj Salemin Al-Bassani, witnessed yesterday the delivery of equipment that included 157 vehicles, including four civil defense mechanisms, with all its equipment and equipment and 60 motorcycles worth 20 million dirhams.

The governor of Hadramout expressed thanks to the leadership, government and people of the UAE for this contribution which will make a major shift in the police work in Hadramout. He pointed out that the security establishment in Hadramout was systematically destroyed including the human cadres, which targeted assassinations, killings and displacement, Methodology.

He confirmed that the quality of the equipment and equipment received yesterday, as well as the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of security staff and graduated batch, finally, will make a qualitative shift in the province.

For his part, the director of the Hadramout coast police, Brigadier Munir Tamimi, praised the efforts of the Emirati brothers and the UAE's contribution to Hadramout since the establishment of the elite forces, the liberation of Hadramout coast, rehabilitation of the security cadres and the processing of military formations.

He stressed that the security establishment in Hadramout did not get such support since Hadramout knew the police work, calling the employees of the security establishment to maintain equipment. For its part, the Arab coalition forces in Hadramout explained that this equipment is a continuation of the UAE support, pointing out that what was delivered yesterday, vehicles and equipment, is the first batch and will be followed by future payments that will meet the needs of the security establishment in Hadramout.