Emad Mourad - Doha

Official car races have fatal accidents, boxing, karate and judo; all of them have high risks, why only the tuffing? Words from which the Qatari youth Khalifa Al Mansouri tried to justify his insistence on the practice of Al-Tufhit, despite the growing warnings due to the increase in deaths due to Tufhit incidents, especially in the region of Selin (south of the country).

Tafhit (or sneezing) is a common practice in the Gulf countries, especially with the desert camping season, when motorists or motorcyclists slip over sandy heights or wander around the vehicle, and they are also very dangerous.

Al-Mansouri, 23, considers tafhit as any sport with some risk, but it is not the nightmare that always leads to death, insisting that the victims of ordinary accidents on the roads are much more than what happens in the Altfhit heights across the country.

Last week, however, there was a painful accident in the Ceylon area. A motorbike collided with a speeding car, killing one young man and injuring two others, and escalating claims that the dangerous phenomenon in Qatar should be tackled.

Car rental owners deny renting children (Al Jazeera Net)

The high number of deaths since the beginning of the camping season is due to the inability of some young people to get cars or motorcycles without the knowledge of parents, and endanger the lives and lives of others, because of their inability to control the vehicle.

Some of the al-Tufhit leaders attribute the high number of child victims to the motorcycle rental centers in Ceylon, which do not comply with age standards before renting in violation of the law. However, Ashraf Bajadir, one of the bike renters, denied Al Jazeera Net to rent a bike to any child. Presents the life of this child and others at risk, and presents himself with legal accountability.

Bajader did not deny that one of the children was hired by another person who rented the vehicle instead of him, and then led by himself. He explained that he does not monitor all the renters during the hours of renting the bicycle, but he fully complies with all rules pertaining to the leasing process, On the ID before completing the lease.

Al Mansouri continues to defend Tafhit that he is waiting for the season of camping each year to gather with friends on the heights of Selin and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere in that area, and remembers that he has been keen to do this for seven years, and throughout that period did not happen to him or his companions any major incident puts them at risk.

The Central Municipal Council in Qatar formed a committee to work to stop the repeated incidents (Al Jazeera Net)

Official Committee
The Central Municipal Council responded to these claims; it formed a committee to work to stop the repeated incidents in the area of ​​Ceylin. Hamad bin Lihan al-Mohannadi, deputy chairman of the council, called for tightening the control of the bicycle rental centers of all types to ensure safety factors. Helmet to protect the head, body protection clothing, as well as clear night lighting.

In an interview with Al Jazeera Net, Al-Mohannadi said that the Municipal Council discussed the high number of incidents in the area of ​​Ceylon, pointing out that the Council will work to expand the safety and safety in all places of open activities in land and sea camps to protect the lives of those reckless acts.

He called for organizing an awareness campaign for young people about the dangers of these actions on their lives and endangering others, in addition to the need to separate the driving places from bicycles in the area, as most accidents occur as a result of this factor.