“For its implementation, several dozen members of the White Helmets organization arrived in Azaz, Marea and Chobanbey in the province of Aleppo,” RIA Novosti reports Savchenko.

He noted that the tanks with toxic substances necessary for provocation, they have already been delivered to the province of Aleppo from Idlib.

According to him, "White Helmets" have already begun staged shooting for provocations with chemical weapons with the participation of people unknown to local residents.

Savchenko added that on the contact line in the Marea region, militants would provoke a return fire from the Syrian army. Then an artillery bombardment of shells with poisonous substances, allegedly produced by the units of the Syrian Armed Forces, will be staged.

Earlier, Russia's permanent representative to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, said that the Russian side is ready to transfer to the European Union a list of militants involved in chemical weapons incidents in Syria.