WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump warned his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rowhani of the repercussions of "only a few experienced in history" in response to Rohani's inflammatory remarks, while US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Iran was " A government, "referring to what he described as an enormous wealth and corruption among the leaders of Iran.

In a direct letter to Rohani, Trump wrote in a tweak on Twitter: "Never threaten the United States again, or you will face repercussions that few have experienced in history." "We are no longer a state that can be silent about your distorted statements about violence and murder. be cerfull".

"We are not afraid to target the regime at the highest level," Pompeo said in his address to the Iranian community. He added that Washington hoped that all countries of the world would reduce their imports of Iranian oil to the "nearest possible point of zero" by November 4, warning countries that would not comply with US sanctions. Trump later said he had not given up anything at the summit with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, but remained vague about the details of the meeting he held in Helsinki.