US President Donald Trump's meeting with leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties in Congress ended without agreement on ending the government closure and financing the border wall with Mexico.

Senate Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said after the meeting that Trump had stopped and left the meeting after he asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if she would agree to fund his "wall" and said she would not do so.

Schumer added that Trump had hit his hand on the table and left the meeting saying that there was nothing to discuss between the parties, and that was a waste of time.

Trump said his meeting with Democratic leaders on the government closure crisis was a waste of time and said he had responded to Democrats who refused to build a wall with Mexico that there was nothing to talk about. He said Republicans were sticking to his position to keep the country safe by building the wall.

Earlier, the US president spoke of an imminent deal with Democrats on immigration policies that would end the budget crisis that the government had partially closed over the past several days.

Trump said in remarks he made from the White House that the partial government closure may have something good in it that could lead to a broader agreement on the issue of immigration.

The partial closure of the government came in its third week, after the White House and Congress failed to reach a budget deal, with Trump insisting on including the costs of building a wall along the border with Mexico.