US President Donald Trump said in a speech at the White House yesterday that he would do the National Emergency Law today to build the wall with Mexico, saying he wanted to achieve security on the southern border and meet the security challenges there.

Trump said he wanted to stop drug and human trafficking across the southern border.

The US House of Representatives passed a bill on border security, backed by the Democratic and Republican parties, to avoid a new government closure and sent it to President Trump for signature to become law.

The bill includes funding for new barriers at part of the US-Mexico border, but does not include Trump's $ 5.7 billion in funding. The Democratic-controlled Council supported the bill by a vote of 300 to 128.

The Senate, controlled by Republicans, passed the bill, late on Thursday, by an overwhelming majority of 83 votes to 16.

Trump asked for funding to build the wall and achieve one of his most important electoral promises, but the draft budget received only $ 1.4 billion, and the text avoided the word wall and replaced by a "fence" or "barrier."

Trump said yesterday that he would issue a declaration on Syria in the coming hours, while the European allies and Russia are waiting for how to implement his decision in December to withdraw US troops from the country. "We have a lot of great announcements related to Syria and our success in eliminating the organization, which will be announced within the next 24 hours," Trump said.

On talks with China, Trump said trade talks with China were "going very well" and that the United States was closer than ever to a "real" trade deal with Beijing that would provide equal opportunities for US companies.

"Tariffs are hurting China badly," he said at the White House Rose Garden. They do not want it, frankly, if we can make an agreement, I'll be honored to cancel it. "

In another context, the US president said he expects a "significant" rise in trade with the UK after London leaves the EU. "You know the BRICCAST situation and the complexities and problems, but we have a very good business relationship with the UK, we have further strengthened it. We are continuing our trade and will increase it significantly over time. "

With regard to North Korea, Trump once again pointed out, less than two weeks before his second summit with Kim Jong-un, the "enormous" economic potential of North Korea.

"We believe North Korea and President Kim have enormous potential as an economic power," he said, adding "we look forward" to meeting the North Korean leader in Vietnam on Feb. 27-28.