US President Donald Trump spoke on Sunday, October 21, about the case of thousands of Honduran migrants on their way to the United States from southern Mexico.

"Everything is done to stop the onslaught of illegal migrants on our southern border ," Donald Trump tweeted. People must first apply for asylum in Mexico, and if they do not, the United States will reject them . " This is what the US president said about the thousands of Honduran migrants on their way to the US border from Guatemala and southern Mexico.

"Caravans are a shame for the Democratic Party. Change the migratory laws NOW! He added in a second tweet after already accusing the Democrats, a minority in the US Congress, the day before, to encourage mass immigration to the country. "I must, in the strongest terms, ask Mexico to stop this assault - and if it is not able, I will call the US military and CLOSE OUR SOUTH FRONTIERE! Warned the US president on Thursday.

"We want a better life"

About 3,000 Hondurans resumed their Sunday march to the United States from Mexico City's southern city of Ciudad Hidalgo, while a further 1,000 were waiting on a border bridge to enter the country legally. The Mexican authorities had managed to block this "caravan" on Thursday, which they estimate to number more than 4,000, but many migrants have entered the country illegally through the Suchiate River separating Mexico from Guatemala. On Saturday, Mexican authorities opened their border to women and children who were then taken to a shelter. The authorities claimed to have received 640 asylum applications.

"It's not political," said Edgar Aguilar, a migrant from the caravan who assures to leave Honduras "because of hunger, drought" . "We want a better life," he says. Honduras is one of the most violent countries in the world, with an annual rate of 43 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, according to a Honduran university study.

More than 500,000 people illegally cross the southern border of Mexico each year and then attempt to get back to the United States, according to UN figures.