"I do not know anything about WikiLeaks," said US President Donald Trump, who was arrested on July 11 by Julian Sanji, the founder of Wikileaks, a UK exposition site.

This is in response to a suspicion that the Russian intelligence agency had contacted Trump Camp before releasing the internal documents of the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton presidential candidates hacked by the Russian intelligence agency to WikiLeaks during the 2016 US presidential election. It looks.

"I really do not know anything about it," Trump told reporters at the White House on the occasion of a meeting with President Moon Jae-in and Han Mi-jeong.

"I was constantly watching what happened to the mountains," he said. "It will be decided by the Attorney General, who is doing a good job."

But he said he changed his position in the past, according to AP and Bloomberg.

"I love WikiLeaks," Trump said at a Pennsylvania rally after the WikiLeaks exposition in the presidential election.

In Michigan, "WikiLeaks is like a treasure house," complimented, and in Ohio, "I like to read WikiLeaks."

WikiLeaks exposed the Democratic Party documents and e - mails hacked by Russian intelligence agencies in August 2016, and contacted Trump Camp officials during the process, identified by Robert Mueller 's Special Investigator.

However, the special report concluded that there was no conspiracy between the camp and Russia, Attorney General William Bar said.

The prosecution has accused him of participating in the leak of government secrets through hacking after the mountainous region was arrested on the same day, the US Justice Department said.

The United States has demanded the repatriation of Britain, CNN and others said.

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)