US President Donald Trump has said he has yet to read the report of special investigator Robert Mueller on the relationship between Trump and Russia during the presidential campaign of Trump.

Trump wrote on Twitter this morning that he knew only the conclusions of the report.

Trump added that he had the right to read the report but had not yet done so.

Trump confirmed that Müller had concluded that there were no secret agreements between his team involved in the election campaign and those from Russia.

The Special Envoy concluded his investigation two weeks ago and handed over a confidential report to US Attorney General William Barr, and so far only four pages of a summary by Bar have been announced.

The summary shows that Muller concluded that there was no evidence of secret agreements between the Trump electoral team and representatives of Russia.

As for the question of whether Trump obstructed justice by dismissing him as FBI chief James Coomy, Mueller did not resolve this matter but gave evidence of this and that, the point.

Trump was very pleased with the publication of the report's summary.