Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and US President Donald Trump on Monday discussed "the arbitrary detention of two Canadians in China" since December 10, urging Beijing to release them.

The US Huawei survey at the heart of the discussions. The two men also "discussed the request for extradition that the United States made to Canada," the statement added by Ottawa. This request is part of a US survey on Huawei, which led to the arrest on December 1 of the financial director of Chinese telecommunications giant Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver, confirmed to AFP. Justin Trudeau's services. The two heads of state "reaffirmed the importance of respecting judicial independence and the rule of law" in this case, said the statement from the office of the Canadian Prime Minister.

The two Canadians detained since December 10. The Chinese authorities have been holding since 10 December, officially for activities "threatening national security", the former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig, employed by the think tank International Crisis Group, and the Canadian consultant Michael Spavor, frequently in contact with North Korea. "The two leaders have agreed to continue their efforts to secure their release," said the Canadian government statement.

Many observers believe that the detention of the two Canadians is a retaliation after Meng Wanzhou was arrested at the request of US justice while in transit in Vancouver, the metropolis of Canada's Pacific coast. Washington suspects it of complicity in fraud to circumvent US sanctions against Iran. She was released under strict conditions while waiting for a new appearance in early February, during which the Canadian courts must study US demand. The daughter of Huawei's founder, she faces more than 30 years in prison if she is tried in a US court.