A spokesman for the forces of the government of national reconciliation in Libya, Colonel Mohamed Qannouno on Sunday launched the "volcano of anger" aimed at "cleanse all cities" of the "aggressors and out of legitimacy."

In a press conference held in Tripoli, Qanouno stressed the keenness of the armed forces on the safety and security of Libyan civilians.

He also confirmed the readiness of the armed forces to protect the capital of Tripoli and all the cities of Libya, and strike with an iron fist on what he called the abusers of the unity and security of the country.

Qanouno said Libya would remain a civilian state and that the army would not allow militarization of the state.

In the meantime, renewed confrontations between the forces of the government of Al-Wefaq, and other loyal to the retired brigade Khalifa Hafter in several areas south of the Libyan capital of Tripoli in various types of heavy and medium weapons.

The forces of Hafter that it carried out for the first time an air strike in a suburb of Tripoli.

Al-Jazeera correspondent quoted a military source of the government of the Accord that a plane belonging to the forces of Hafar bombed the transport camp on the airport road south of the capital without causing any human casualties.

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Protest against France
According to the central operations room of the Ministry of Health of the government of the Accord, killing 21 people and wounding 27 others in the clashes that erupted since last Thursday.

On the same subject, an official government source revealed to the island that the President of the Presidential Council of the Government of the Libyan Accord Fayez Sarraj told the French Ambassador to his country Beatrice de Elaine strongly protest the position of Paris in support of Hafter.

The source said that Serraj had asked the ambassador to officially inform the government of her country and French President Emmanuel Macaron.

Al-Serraj said he was surprised by the military move of Hafar's forces towards Tripoli when the political solution began to loom in Libya, describing it as a stab in the back.

He added that Hafer "sends the people of Libya to an unknown fate, which undermines the efforts to resolve the crisis and lead to further bloodshed."

For its part, the United Nations Mission of Support in Libya, "urgent appeal" for a "humanitarian truce" for two hours in the southern suburb of the capital Tripoli, to secure the evacuation of the wounded and civilians.

The United Nations is seeking a conference in the southern Libyan city of Ghadames from April 14 to 16 to discuss the elections as a way out of the mess of factional rivalry.