The Assize Court of Ille-et-Vilaine judge, since Monday, a man of 26 years, accused of torture or act of barbarism. At the end of a particularly drunken evening, in January 2016, he had violently attacked the man who had been sheltering him for a few months, in Saint-Erblon.

He had drunk too much that night to remember what was done to him. He had a rate of 3.61 g / liter of blood when he arrived at the hospital. The alleged victim only remembers two kicks received in the face.

His attacker is accused of inflicting cruel corporal punishment on him: three stab wounds in the anal area, as a result of homophobic insults.

"For me, it's a rape. It's my dignity as a man ... " , says the civil party, heard this Tuesday, November 27.

"I did not want to come to trial"

He keeps the after-effects of this night of horror. Fear and daily difficulties. "I did not want to come to the trial, basically. I did not want to see him. And when he's out of jail, I do not know what he's going to do ... "

The accused, aged 26, expressed regret on the first day of the trial. He denies any sexual character to his gesture, but admits to "do anything" under the influence of alcohol.

According to a clinical psychologist, this is really a "psychopath, whose own enjoyment comes from humiliation" and that presents a "hatred vis-à-vis others and its environment . "

The verdict is expected Thursday. The primary accused faces the maximum penalty of 20 years of criminal imprisonment. His co-accused, aged 29, must answer for voluntary abstention from preventing a crime, a related offense punishable by up to 5 years in prison. He was present at the beginning of the evening.