Israel's Justice Ministry announced on Wednesday that former minister Gonen Segev would plead guilty to spying for Iran and transfer important information in return for an 11-year prison term under an agreement reached with the prosecution.

The Shin Beth security service revealed in June that the authorities had arrested Segev and charged him with official charges of working for Iranian intelligence.

Shin Bet-Segev was charged with working for Iranian intelligence, recruited in 2012 by the Iranian embassy in Nigeria.

Segev was minister of energy and infrastructure between 1995 and 1996 and set a verdict on February 11.

Segev's trial began last July, with little to say about the charges against him, and the Justice Ministry confirmed there was a publishing ban on more details.

Segev was a minister in a government headed by Yitzhak Rabin after he split from radical Yemen to vote for the Oslo peace accord with the Palestinians.

In 2004, he was accused of attempting to smuggle 30,000 Ecstasy trunks from the Netherlands to Israel by using his diplomatic passport and falsifying his validity.

The following year he pleaded guilty to a judicial agreement and was imprisoned for some time and was convicted on charges of attempting to forge a bank credit card.