The Yemeni Prime Minister, Dr. Moeen Abdulmalik, stressed the importance of strengthening the partnership between the government, the central bank and traders to contribute to the establishment of a mechanism for commodity prices and the delivery of food to all Yemeni citizens in all governorates of the republic without exception.

This came during his presiding yesterday in the interim capital of Aden, meeting with the Governor of the Central Bank Hafez Muayad and a number of other officials. "The government is receptive to the proposals of documentary credits for open commodities through the Central Bank of Yemen, , And the difficult current conditions experienced by the country, which requires concerted efforts of all to face all difficulties, and overcome them ».

He added: "Everyone should work to find viable solutions, and create the conditions for fair competition among all traders, as competition is the basis for maintaining prices."

For his part, stressed the Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen, the need for cooperation of all and the interest of public interest, stressing the Bank's interest in strengthening partnership with the private sector, in light of the Bank's keenness on the recovery of the economy, stability of commodity prices and exchange of currencies.