The Al-Houthi terrorist group, which is loyal to Iran, bombed al-Huda mosque in Al-Muntar district, south of Hodeidah city on the west coast of Yemen, and destroyed it. The Joint Resistance Forces carried out large sweeps in a number of Hodeidah areas. The National Army forces, backed by the Arab Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy, continued their qualitative military operations in the Saada border.

In the context of its military operations to secure the southern areas before the liberation of the city and the port of Hodeidah, the Joint Resistance Forces (JSF) in the West Coast Front cleared several areas west of the two districts of Hays and Haitha, south of Hodeidah. The resistance succeeded in destroying military crews and military support equipment including ammunition and Infiltration of militia elements. The resistance artillery also bombed rebel positions north of Durahmi, leaving dead and wounded in their ranks, as well as destroying a military machine with a machine gun for the militias in al-Jubaila area.

The resistance forces were able to repel attacks and attempts to infiltrate the militia elements in the direction of their positions in the area of ​​Kilo 16, and killed 14 people, and more than 20 injured, while the rest fled, in the wake of raids by coalition fighters supporting the resistance.

Al-Houthi militia bombed the Al-Huda Mosque in al-Munadh district south of the city of Hodeidah, destroying it, continuing the series of operations in which the Houthis targeted places of worship and Koranic schools.

The shelling came after seven civilians were killed and dozens injured in the Shajan area on the outskirts of the city of Tahita in the province of Hodeidah, the day before yesterday, as a result of the explosion of mines planted by the militias before being defeated by the forces of the National Army, and wounded civilians, including children, seriously injured by mortar shelling by militias On the houses of citizens in the neighborhood of the popular landscape of the outskirts of Hodeidah.

Eyewitnesses said that the Houthi bombardment caused the destruction of several homes, and the injury of dozens of residents of the neighborhood, including children, serious and serious injuries to the head and various parts of the body.

The mines laid by Houthi's militias have caused horrific massacres of civilians on the West Coast, as in the rest of the areas where militias have lost control, and planted them with thousands of mines before withdrawing.

In Saada, the Yemeni army continued its military operations in the front of the Axis Box in Baqam district, northwest of the province, where Yemeni army units carried out penetrations, ambushes and ambushes against militia elements, causing heavy losses in equipment and lives.

The coalition fighters launched a series of raids in support of the army operations on the fronts of Saada, targeting a number of military sites and mechanisms of militias in the districts of Baqam, Ktaf, Razah and Shada, led to the death and injury of a number of their elements.

In the northwestern Yemeni argument, local sources confirmed that the militias opened a new training camp in the town of Hajjah to receive the seduced tribesmen in Sana'a, Amran and Hajjah, and put them on the Midi, Haradh and Khiran fronts, and others pushing them towards the West Coast fronts.

In al-Bayda, central Yemen, the Awaja district of Qayfa witnessed armed confrontations between militias and local resistance in the area, which led to the destruction of a Huthi military vehicle and the killing and injury of those on board, according to local sources. Recent confrontations.

A recent statistic about the recruitment of Houthi militias about 2,500 children under the age of 15, during the period from January to September 2018, and distribution on the burning fronts, to participate directly in combat operations.

Al-Ayn Al-Akhbar reported that a majority of the children were recruited by militias from Sana'a, Dhamar, Amran, Mahweet and Hajja, contrary to international conventions and laws protecting children's rights.

Earlier UN reports indicated the recruitment of about 9,000 Yemeni children in the war against legitimate authority during the first three years of the war, waged by the militias and their coup against legitimate authority in September 2014, according to reports from the local monitoring organizations in Yemen The number of children recruited by the Houthi militia is at least 25,000.

Houthi violations against children include various forms of human shields, forced recruitment, forced abductions, denial of education and treatment, shelling of their residential areas and camps, as well as schools and hospitals.

Statistics show that 4.5 million children were denied education by militias, 2 million by the Houthi labor market, 2,372 schools partially or totally destroyed by militias, and 1,500 by Houthis to military prisons and barracks. The number of children killed by militias in four years About 1500 children.

• Human rights organization: Militias recruited 2,500 children in 9 months.