The fierce battles between the Yemeni army supported by the Arab alliance and the Iranian Houthi militias have intensified on various fronts in the provinces of Taiz and Saada, a stronghold of militias that are almost isolated from the surrounding provinces. Meanwhile, Where the Yemeni capital Sanaa lives a state of security chaos, because of the actions of the Iranian Houthi militias.

In the details, the military sources said that the Yemeni army supported by the Arab coalition fighters continue to advance in various fronts of the province of Saada, which has become almost besieged, and the militia outlets to and from them is limited, noting that the Yemeni army has managed during the past two days to surround the province of Sa'ada, , And is soon to be isolated from the provinces of Al-Jawf and Hajja adjacent to it.

The sources said that the fighting continues on the five fronts of the province, while the army is in control of the fire on the center of the Department of Kataf, after controlling the valley, which links the area patches, noting that the fighting in the main fronts of Saada, Kataf and Hhuma and Razah al-Zaher and Baqm, And material damage.

In Taiz, intensified fighting between the Yemeni army forces and Iranian militias in the western front, after an attack by the militia on the positions of the army east of the fortress of Mkaier, and witness the village of Tbhrah and Haram on the same front fierce fighting between the two sides.

In the West Coast Front, the brigades of the Giants managed to clear a number of farms east of the city of Tahita and west of the city of Zabid from the remnants of the Iranian militias after fierce battles fought by the brigades of the Giants with Houthi militia militants, causing heavy losses in equipment and lives.

And announced the brigades of the Giants, the day before yesterday, combing a number of sites that have been defeated by the Iranian Houthi militia in the current directorate east of the city of Hodeidah, and the media center of it, that has been a large sweep of a number of farms adjacent to the Kilo 10 district, The Houthi militias are stationed there, and a large number of 120-mm mortar shells and other shells hidden by the militias in the sewage pipes were found during the operation at several military positions.

A military source said that the brigades of the giants had secured the farms, to prevent the infiltration of Houthi elements again, which were taken by military barracks to bomb the houses of civilians, and targeting passengers on the roads.

The source pointed out that the militias suffered significant loss of life and equipment.

In addition, local sources revealed the collapse of the militias in the West Coast Front, due to the daily losses suffered by the tribes and the refusal of the tribes to strengthen their ranks with fighters of their children, pointing to the large movements of prominent leaders in the militias, including the head of the so-called Revolutionary Committee Mohammed Ali al-Houthi and Abu Ali governor, to pressure the tribesmen to strengthen the West Coast Front. In the capital Sana'a, controlled by the Iranian militias, the gunmen assassinated yesterday, the son of security director of the Revolution Directorate in the secretariat of the capital, Abdullah Jazilan.

Local sources said the gunmen opened fire on Ahmad Abdullah Jazilan in al-Rawda neighborhood in Sana'a, and fled, referring to the state of security chaos in Sana'a and the recent assassination operations.

- The forces of legitimacy managed during the past two days to surround the province of Sa'ada from three main axes.