The Yemeni army forces, supported by the Arab alliance, secured new areas in the district of Khab and al-Sha'f in Al-Jawf governorate. They continued their military operations on the Marib and Taiz fronts and the pretext. The Huthi militias loyal to Iran continued their violations of the cease-fire and truce agreement and the Sweden agreement in Hodeidah. In the city, while digging tunnels in Sanaa, under the supervision of Iran and Hezbollah.

Field sources in the sixth military area in Al-Jouf, east of the capital Sana'a, enabled the Yemeni army forces, supported by the alliance, to liberate and secure new sites in the Directorate of Hebei and Shaaf district major districts, noting that the army has secured areas between the areas of Sabrin and Khaliqin, Thwarted an attempt to infiltrate the militias towards his position in the area.

In Saada, the Yemeni army continued its advance in the Shamiya front, achieving qualitative victories, according to the commander of the 3rd Brigade, Brigadier General Aziz Al-Khattabi, who confirmed that the victories achieved by the brigade would lead to defeating the militias and expelling them from Saada.

In Marib, 15 Houthis were killed, and others were wounded in the front of the Sarawah, after the army launched a surprise attack on a gathering point for Houthi elements in the Directorate, according to the army, adding that the attack killed 15 Huthiya and wounded dozens of others, for them.

In Hajjah, military reinforcements of the Yemeni army forces arrived at the areas of Bani Haddad and Al-Mahasam and Homsin villages in preparation for launching a new military phase towards the directorates of Mabtaba, Abas and Kushar, and completing the liberation of the Haradh Border Directorate, which will open the roads to the north of Hodeidah, Between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

In the capital Sanaa, three militia leaders were killed and others were injured in clashes with the army on the fronts of Nahm northeast of the capital. Field sources reported that Houthi field commanders Zakaria Ali Farran, Mohammed Hamran and Walid Hadi Ahmed Nasher, Of his companions during battles between the army and the militias in front of the Nhm, the evening of yesterday.

Yemeni sources have revealed that the Iranian-linked Houthi militias dug a tunnel network in the capital, Sana'a, under the supervision of Iranian experts and others belonging to the Hezbollah militia.

The tunnel network runs from the Iranian embassy to the south of the capital in the Al-Fathina neighborhood and Beit Buss, Yemeni media quoted local sources as saying.

Residents in the neighborhood next to the Iranian embassy in Sanaa said they were "constantly hearing the sounds of digging and shaking under the ground."

Residents have noted that on several occasions, during the past few days, they have seen empty trucks entering the Iranian embassy before they leave, loaded with dirt. Militias loyal to the Iranian regime have also dug a network of tunnels north of the capital, from Al-Jarraf district to the Sanaa International Airport line, sources said.

The sources said that the network of tunnels dug and continues to be dug by the militias up to a depth of between five and 10 meters under the ground.

In Hodeidah, the Iranian-backed Houthi militia continued to violate the cease-fire in Hodeidah, the Swedish agreement and UN efforts to supervise the agreement led by Dutch General Patrick Kamert. They targeted the joint resistance positions in the east of the city and the offices of Hayes, Al-Haytha, Darihmi and Bayt al-Faqih. Meanwhile, sources close to the militias in Hodeidah expected that the Huthis are preparing to launch a large-scale military operation to restore the lost areas in Hodeidah, including the Kilo 16 area east of the city and the road of Sanaa, Nakhaila and Rabaa, after failing to thwart all the recent agreements that were eluded for the time To push for reinforcements to Hodeidah away from coalition aircraft and Yemeni artillery.

The sources pointed out that the militias have a deliberate intention to launch a large-scale military attack on the city and its environs and to regain the lost positions before the international intervention which stopped the progress of the Yemeni resistance, stressing that the militias do not believe in peace and have a deliberate intention to thwart the steps to prepare for peace in Hodeidah and its ports.

A number of Houthi shells fell on residential areas in the districts of Hays and al-Haitha, resulting in the destruction of a number of houses. One person died and others, including women and children, were wounded in the villages of Bani al-Hammadi and Balakma in Tahita.

In the west of Taiz, army forces stationed in the front of an accepted Directorate continued to bombard militia positions on six fronts surrounding the liberated areas of the Directorate, the most violent of which was on the front of the Al-Hakwa, killing and injuring a number of Huthis.

In Ibb, the militias arrested 24 teachers on their way back from the temporary capital of Aden after they went to receive the salaries paid by the group with the rest of the state employees in their areas of control for more than two years, according to local sources, noting that among the detainees Director of the Office of Education in Deir al-Bireh district, Mahmoud Ahmed al-Wadar, along with 23 teachers, after they reached the city via the line connecting with the province of Dali.

The coalition of support for legitimacy in Yemen announced, last night, that the militias committed 19 violations of the cease-fire agreement in Hodeidah, the day before yesterday.

The coalition pointed out that the violations took place in the areas of Tahita, and Hays, and the façade, the mountain, and the wind.

Earlier, the coalition confirmed the issuance of 10 permits for ships heading to Yemeni ports, carrying food and oil, and noted the presence of four ships waiting to enter the port of Hodeidah 12 days ago.