It is reported by USA Today, citing a spokesman for the US administration Sarah Sanders.

According to her, journalists, from the moment the rules came into force, can ask only one question during events.

“Giving a word to another speaker includes, depending on the situation, the physical transfer of the microphone to White House staff for use by another person asking the question,” said Sanders.

As the White House press secretary clarified, the ministry “set these rules with some regret.”

She added that, given the incident involving Acosta, the practices that existed previously had to be replaced with clear rules.

It became known earlier that a court in Washington decided to restore Acosta with the right to attend press events at the White House, which he was temporarily deprived of because he asked uncomfortable questions for the American leader Donald Trump, “causing anger of the president and his allies.

Subsequently, the Acosta accreditation was restored in the White House.