According to her, the United States joins the "European allies and partners, condemning the fake" elections "held on November 11.

The diplomat stressed that the DPR and the LPR “have no place within the framework of the Minsk agreements” and “should be dissolved”.

"We will continue to impose sanctions against Russia related to Ukraine, until Moscow fully complies with the Minsk agreements and regains control over the Crimea to Ukraine," she said.

The victory in the elections in the DPR was won by the acting head of the region Denis Pushilin, gaining 60.85% of the votes;

British Foreign Ministry called the past elections illegal. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron also made a statement in connection with the voting.

The Kremlin stressed that they are sympathetic to the fact of the elections, but we are talking about two republics, "which are rejected by Ukraine and are in a state of absolute embargo."

More information about the elections in the Donbass - in the material RT.

Russia has repeatedly stated that it is not a party to the conflict in Ukraine and acts as a mediator in resolving the situation.